Chris Manning - Gary Sweet
Lauren Allen - Ally Fowler
Scotty Gibbs - Martin Henderson
Jimbo James - Rhys Muldoon
Lexie Ciani - Lisa Baumwol
Shay McWilliam - Robyn Cruze
Special guest cast Robbie (Chris' ex-wife) - Roxanne Wilson
Big Sky is a small aviation company in Sydney. After the death of Lauren's father, Lauren takes over Big Sky, a nearly bankrupt company. Chief pilot is Chris Manning (played by Gary Sweet). He is very laid-back but also quite authoritative, sarcastic and sometimes arrogant. He and Lauren fight a lot, the decisions she makes are not always the right ones in Chris' eyes. Lauren has a complete different background (she's the ritch spoiled kid) and knows barely nothing about running an aviation company. This of course clash with Chris but on the other hand, she is doing a great job considering the bad financial state the bussiness is in. But beside the fights there is also romance blossoming between Lauren and Chris. They won't admit it, but they like eachother heaps ! In the latest episodes, Chris and Lauren try to make it work between each other but Chris isn't that committed as Lauren. After a few "hot" weeks, Chris breaks it off, to discover too late he really loves Lauren. The other pilots are Lexie, Jimbo and Scotty. Jimbo is a bit of a larrikin with a big heart. Lexie is the nineties woman, very independent, confident and one of "the mates". The youngest pilot is Scotty. He is very naive and vunerable but has great abillities to be a fantastic pilot. Scotty is secretly in love with Lexie, but Lexie more sees him as her younger brother. By trying too hard on the romantic front, his love life always ends up nowhere. Shay, the receptionist, is Lauren's third hand but when there is a strike or something, she takes side for the pilots. Each episode highlights around one of the cast and the adventures during their flights. Big Sky is action packed and very humorous at some stages.
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