Season 1 * Season 2 * Season 3 * Season 4 * Season 5

Is there somebody out there? That's the question special FBI agent Fox Mulder would die to see answered. Mulder, an expert criminal profiler, is obssessed investigating anything related to paranormal phenomena, due to his believing that his sister Samantha was abducted when he was twelve. An obssession that also explains why he is nicknamed "spooky" by his coleagues. His superiors, who want him reintegrated into the main stream of the FBI, partner him with Dana Scully, a young skeptic doctor who has spent two years at the Bureau. Her mission: evaluate and keep them informed about the validity of Mulder's work on the X-files, unsolved and unexplained cases they prefer to ignore. But since their first case together, Mulder introduces her in a world of defiying misteries which maybe, their own governement wants to keep hided. During the first season, the agents will investigate supposed teenager abductions in the
Pilot episode, only to see how all the recovered evidences burned in a fire of misterious origin.
Their quest continues in Deep Throat, this time around an Air Force base, where they may be testing experimental crafts constructed with alien technology, and where test pilots are dissapearing only to return with no memory of what happened. Mulder is approached by Deep Throat, a misterious stranger who informs him that aliens are here from long ago, and offers his help in the agents' quest for the truth.
In Fallen Angel and E.B.E Mulder and Scully, thanks to the information provided by Deep Throat, came closer to find direct evidence of alien presence on earth. In the first one, Mulder witnesses a secret military operation to undercover the rests of an UFO crash and befriends possible abductee Max Fening; in the second one, he follows with Scully the path of a truck that may be transporting an E.B.E (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) through the states. The episode also introduces the Lone Gunmen, an anti governmental group of disidents who help Mulder in his investigations. But in both cases, they end with no more evidence that faith. The governmental conspiracy to undercover these evidences has a highlignt in the season finale, The Erlenmeyer Flask. On the trail of a man named Secare who may be an human-alien hybrid, Mulder is kidnapped by powerful forces who want the pair off the case. In echange on Mulder's life, Scully offers what seems a frosted alien fetus, provided by Deep Throat, who'll pay for it with his life. At the end of the episode, the X-files are shut down.


With the X-files out of game, and Mulder and Scully working apart, Mulder begins to doubt his own beliefs. But in
Little Green Men, an ally urges him to investigate an abandoned satellite tracking station where there may be traces of extraterrestrial radio signals, he seems to have a close encounter of his own, just before a military force closes the station.
Shortly after, in Sleepless, Mulder is asigned a new partner, special agent Alex Krycek, who is soon revealed as a traitor in league with the Cigarette-Smoking-Man. He is also found by a new confident, X, who's not as friendly as his predecessor.
The mithology arch progresses in the epic three parter Duane Barry, Ascension, and One Breath. Mulder gets in touch with a former FBI agent named Duane Barry, haunted by his memories of past abductions and alien experiments. Barry believes that he can offer another person in exchange for him, and kidnaps Scully to occupy his place. Mulder tracks him down, but Krycek's treachery prevents him to save Scully. Krycek dissapears, and she misteriously reapears in coma in a Washington hospital. Mulder hunts down the Cigarette-Smoking-Man on the suspicion he may know about her medical condition. He leaves with no answers, but Assistant Director Skinner does what he can for him: re-opening the X-files.
New misteries are undercovered in the two parter Colony and End Game. A bizarre group of abortist doctors who share the same phisical appearance are being assassinated, their bodies leaving no trace. Mulder's lost sister, Samantha, reappears. But she ends up to be a human-hybrid clone, as are the colony of doctors, them all prosecuted by and alien bounty hunter sent to Earth to exterminate them. He finishes his work and leaves, not before telling Mulder his sister is still alive.
The developments regarding clones convice Fox Mulder that the government may be conducting secret genetic experiments, possibly with alien DNA. During the course of Anasazi, Mulder encounters evidence (a DAT tape containing the ovni files hacked from the Defense Deparment) that the government may have begun tests on human subjects 50 years ago. This ep sees the first aparition of the Consortium: a shadowy international group who had been working for years in a dark "Project". Mulder's father, involved with the project since the early days, wants to prevent his son, but he's killed. A young indian boy shows Mulder the rests of what appear to be aliens, buried in a boxcar under the New Mexico red sands. The Cigarette-Smoking-Man orders to firebomb the first sight, with Mulder in it.


Fortunately, Mulder is nursed back to health by Navajos in
The Blessing Way. Scully discovers a chip implanted in her neck; later, attending Mulder's father funeral, she is warned by the Well-Manicured-Man her life is in danger, but the assasins sent to kill her murder her sister Melissa in her place. In Operation Paperclip, and once reunited, the agents track down a II World War criminal doctor who may had been developing alien-human hybrids, and he guides them to a massive collection of files hided in a mining complex. Krycek attacks Skinner and steals the DAT tape, before breaking off his asociation with the Cigarette-Smoking-Man, who wants him dead.
The with humans or aliens ilegal experiments path continues in the two parter Nisei and 731. Mulder is convinced that a tape of an alien authopsy is real, and is even more when the man who sold him the tape is killed. Linked to it there are misterious japanese doctors and the members of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) all women with implants similar to Scully's. Mulder suspects the experiments are taking place in a train, where he finds what appears to be an human-alien hybrid, and a killer who would do anything to terminate the creature and the japanese doctor. Again, Mulder ends up with no evidence, and the episode doesn't show clearly if the experiments involved aliens (Mulder's opinion) or only innocent humans (Scully's opinion).
Mulder and Scully's target changes in the two parter Piper Maru and Apocrypha, as an alien entity raises from the bottom of the sea to find its crashed and recovered craft. The key is holded by the Cigarette-Smoking-Man, who is visited by Krycek (under the control of the substance) with whom he makes a pact: the ship for the stolen DAT tape. Skinner is shot after being advertised not to continue with Melissa Scully's death investigation. The agents follow Krycek to an abandoned missile silo, but the Cigarette-Smoking-Man prevents them to enter and to see Krycek entombed inside.
New heights are reached and old-friends return for the season finale, Talitha Cumi. Jeremiah Smith miraculously heals some wounded in a gunfight. He comes out to be an alien clone who has abjured the misterious "Master Plan" where he once was in. Mulder's mother suffers a stroke after an angry confrontation with the Cigarette-Smoking-Man. Mulder tries to save Jeremiah in order to save his mother's life, but the Alien Bounty Hunter is arrived...and after them.


While trying to scape from the Bounty Hunter, Jeremiah show Mulder a farm worked by cloned children in
Herrenvolk. Also swarming around thousands of deadly bees. Finally, the Bounty Hunter catches his prey, and Jeremiah disappears. X, Mulder's informant, is shoot after the Cigarette-Smoking-Man and the Consortium First Elder identify him as a traitor. But he leaves a clue for Mulder to make his way to a new informant: US Special Representative to the Secretary General, Marita Covarrubias. At the end, the Cigarette-Smoking-Man convinces the Bounty Hunter to heal Mrs. Mulder.
The action moves to the former Soviet Union in the two parter Tunguska and Terma. Krycek makes a celebrated reaparition and guides Mulder and Scully to a strange rock secretly introduced in the United States which contains a deadly alien patogen (know as black cancer). Mulder and Krycek make their way to the rock's origin, Tunguska, where Mulder is imprisionated in a gulag and unwillingly exposed to the black cancer; in the meantime, a russian assasin is killing everyone associated with the rock. Mulder saves his life (aparently the russian vaccine against the patogen works) but is left with no evidence again.
Scully's worst fears about her abduction are confirmed when she is diagnosed an inoperable brain cancer in Memento Mori. Mulder follows a promising investigation path and discovers that her illness is result of a radiation therapy used to produce a superovulation. Why? To obtain material to fabricate new clones. Some of those clones, who are searching a cure for their "mothers", are being relentlessly eliminated. In the meantime, Skinner makes a faustic pact with the Cigarette-Smoking-Man: everything he wants in exange for Scully's life.
Mythology flies high in the two parter Tempus Fugit and Max. Mulder suspects that the militars are the one to blame for a plane crash, which they shooted down while trying to bring down and UFO. One of the victims is former abductee Max Fening, who transported an alien energy source which would prove not only the exitence of extraterestrial life, but the government implication in a conspiracy to undercover it. Mulder finds the long awaited evidence, but aliens want to recover it...
As a result of his dark pact, Skinner comes to the center of the stage in Zero Sum. He is sent by the Cigarette-Smoking-Man to undercover a bizarre death involving killer bees, carrying a mutated version of smallpox. But he's not that fine as conspirator, and a police agent who maybe could identify him dies. Fearing being accused, and stalked by Mulder, who has discovered the whole thing, Skinner ambushes the Cigarette-Smoking-Man in his appartment, but doesn't kill him, as he may be able to save Scully. The ep also cast shadows over Marita Covarrubias: is she one of the Cigarette-Smoking-Man minions?
A different kind of shadows rise in Demons. Mulder wakes up amnesic in a motel, covered with blood. Possibly being framed for two recent murders, he is incapacitated by a powerful vision of his past: his parents arguing about Samantha's "destination" and something more; the young Cigarette-Smoking-Man and his mother in what it looks like an embrace. After Mulder accuses his mother of infidelity, Scully manages to clear his name, but disturbing questions remain unaswered.
What appears to be an alien corpse is discovered in Gethsemane. Is this the long awaited evidence? Scully pursues a man who reveals that the alien conspiracy was a huge hoax created to undercover military experiments of new weapons. As she goes to Mulder with seemingly irrefutable evidence, he is shattered thinking he has been misled for years. The day after, Scully reports to Section Chef Blevins (who assigned her to the X-files) that Mulder is dead, due to a self-inflicted gunshot in the head.


In the breath cutting
Redux we see Mulder about to commit suicide...when he discovers an operative lurking in an upstairs apartment, and kills him. He also discover he was being surveilled at the behest of someone at the Bureau.Thanks to the dead man's Defense Department acreditation, he enters a secret facility hiding a massive index system. Is there a cure for Scully? Meanwhile, she learns that cells contained within the possible alien specimen are not only the beginnings of a new life form, but the organism responsible of her cancer. In the third part of this trilogy, Redux II, Mulder is confronted by the Cigarette-Smoking-Man, who provides him with a little microchip which can save Scully's life, and arranges a meeting with Mulde r's lost sister, Samantha, who reveals that the Cigarette-Smoking-Man is her father. After, he asks Mulder to work for him. Scully's cancer goes into remission, and Mulder refuses the offer. Shortly after, he identifies Section Chef Blevins as the mole operating within the Bureau; as a result, Chief Blevins is killed, and the Cigarette-Smoking-Man shot. Besides a lot of blood laying on the floor, no body is recovered...
The mithology takes a surprising turn in the two Christmas parter Christm as Car ol and Emily. Scully becomes embroiled in a case involving the three years old Emily. She petitions to adopt the girl, but her petition is refused. After some tests, she discovers she is her biological mother. Later, doctors discover a green fluid oozing from the girl's neck; she slips into coma and dies.
The coming back to the former Soviet Union takes place in Patient X and The Red and the Black. In Kazajistan, two young boys see and UFO, and then an area full of burned cars and people, people with a small implant on the neck... Krycek captures one of the boys, infects him with the black cancer and offers the Syndicate to trade the boy for all research made around the vaccine against the patogen. Two more burning of abductees take place in the States, and the Syndicate realises that a civil alien war is on. On the second burning site, Cassandra Spender (mother of special agent Spender and former abductee) disappears. Scully, who was with her, doesn't remember anything. Marita Covarrubias tricks Krycek, and steals away the boy, only to became infected herself. But she is the chance for the Syndicate to prove the russian vaccine against the black cancer stealed by Krycek works.
The plot gets even more twisted in the season finale The End. A woman from Mulder's past, Agent Diana Fowley, returns. Also does the Cigarette-Smoking-Man, who is reunited with the Syndicate, which order him to track down a boy with a tremendous psychic ability. He tracks down his own son (Special Agent Jeffrey Spender) and reveals him his identity, not before shooting Diana Fowley, taking the boy to the Well-Manicured-Man and burning Mulder's office...
