Abductions * Aliens * Bees * Black Cancer * Clones * Consortium * Hybrids * Implants * Flying Saucers * Master Plan * Secret Experiments

The human alien hybrids seem to be a constitutive part of the Master Plan. They are created in laboratories as the one seen in
The Erlenmeyer Flask (episode 1#24) by the government, and used as working force on farms like the one on Herrenvolk (episode 4#01). The female part of the couples of cloned childres were created as Mulder's sister, Samantha. The basic differences of these hybrids with the aliens are, as pointed in the Aliens resume, that they can't changet their shape at will, and they don't have the ability to heal. The similarirties are the green toxic blood, and that they must be killed with a precise stab on the neck.

But outside the Master Plan, some of these hybrids seem to be working aginst the interests of the alien race, trying to create a hybrid colony on Colony (episode 2#14), where we discover that a large amout of this clones are adult Samantha Mulder's clones, and End Game (episode 2#15), or making a last effort to save their "mothers" (former abductees) from a certain death by a cancerous agent in Memento Mori(episode 4#14).

An human alien hybrid, Dr. Berube, was also the main protagonist in The Erlenmeyer Flask (episode 1#24). In this case, he was not a laboratory created hybrid, but a human who accepted to be treated with alien DNA due to a fatal disease. He was expected to die after the experiment, but things went better than expected and he survived, only to be hunted down by the men of the Consortium. The last word about Samantha's abduction an posterior cloning is said by the Well-Manicured-Man to Mulder in Fight the Future. the ultimate rason for Mulder's father to give Samantha as an hostage is that when the alien virus would spread above the earth, the only survivors would be the ones inmmunized to it, that's it, the hybrids. It will continue...


Closely related to the Abductions point. The implants are little metal pices which act like locators, and which are implanted on the body of the abductees, usually in the nose or on the back of the neck. Their removal, specially the ones located on the neck, seems to be deadly, for it produces an odd variation of cerebral cancer. Under this situation were all the members of MUFON (all of them women, whose first apparition was on
Nisei (episode3#09) and its second parter, (episode3#10), and on the breath-taking Memento Mori (episode4#14). The implants were an important part of the action since the Pilot episode, where one small implant was the only evidence which scaped the fire; the end of the episode showed an ominous Cigarette-Smoking-Man hidding the implant in a massive archive system under the Pentagon, where it will likely never be seen again.

More implants: the ones who carried Duane Barry (episode2#05) were the proof that he was not making up all his abductions story, as seen in Ascension (episode 2#06); Scully discovers she has one of her own in The Blessing Way (episode3#01); and the discovering that a new implant can repair the damage caused by the removal of the original is supplied by the Cigarette-Smoking-Man in ReduxII(episode5#03); and the implants are also the common factor of all the people burned in Patient X (episode 5#12) where the main character, Cassandra Spender, says she has never thought of removing it) and The Red and the Black.

The implants seem to have three functions: recopilate information from the acductees mind (The Blessing Way), serve as locators (Ascension) and induce thinkings in their minds, like a strange kind of hypnosis. (Patient X).


Probably, the most traditional ufologic element on the series, along with the grays. The flyinf saucers and alien spaceships appeared (even is offscene) in the
Pilot (episode 1#P). After that they were the object of desire of Mulder in Deep Throat (episode 1#01), as he investigates a mysterious air base where alien technology is being tested with odd results.

The flying saucers featured on the X Files are different inshape and size. We've seen examples of the most classical and little ones, like in Duane Barry or the more estilized combat-plane-like in Operation Paperclip, one of the biggest ones we've seen in the series. The offscene presence of this ships is also noticed in Conduit (episode 1#04), E.B.E (episode 1#17) Colony (episode 2#14), Ascension (episode 2#06). Besides this esporadic apparitions, real? alien spaceships appeared in Fallen Angel (episode 1#10) Duane Barry (episode 2#05, episode which included a look inside the saucer), Operation Paperclip (episode 3#02), Nisei (episode 3#09) Apocrypha (episode 3#16) Jose Chung's From Outer Space (episode 3#21) Tempus Fugit (episode 4#17) and its second parter, Max (episode 4#18) Patient X (episode 5#09) The Red and the Black (episode 5#10). And of course, we were witnesses of the spectacular leaving of the big saucer buried in the North Pole ice in Fight the Future.


The conspiracy theory has been defended by Mulder since the
Pilot (episode 1#P), and proved right in the same episode, as we witness the efforts of hidden forces, leaded by the Cigarette-Smoking-Man, to keep silence around the existence of alien life. This is confirmed in the second episode, Deep Troath (episode 1#01), when Mulder's informant tells him not to investigate a misterious militar base where supposed alien technology is being tested/ All along the first and the second season, we have indications that something is going on, like in Fallen Angel (episode 1#10), E.B.E (episode 1#17), The Erlenmeyer Flask (episode 1#24), Little Green Man (episode 2#01), Duane Barry (episode 2#05), Colony (episode 2#14) and its second parter End Game (episode 2#15). During the first two seasons, the Master Plan is never called that way, and we can only deduce that its purposes are to experiment with alien technology and biological entities, in an effort to create cloned hybrids, and, consecuently, to keep secret any evidence of alien life on earth.

Things get a bigger dimension in Anasazi (episode 2#24) and its second and third parts The Blessing Way (episode 3#01) and Operation Paperclip (episode 3#02), as the Master Plan, even when it's still not called that way, is revealed as a international conspiracy that inlcude not only the United States, but the countries that formerly formed the Edge. The alien involved experiments come again to the center of the stage when Mulder and Scully discover their relation with the Operation Paperclip an infamous project to take advantage of the nazi scientist inhuman experiments, and to use their knowledge to create hybrids. Also related to the is a massive system of archives hidden in an old virginian mining company, which include tissue samples of every american born after the end of the World War II. The ocultation of alien crashed ships is witnessed again in Piper Maru (episode 3#16) and Apocrypha (episode 3#17), as is the ilegal experiments of japanese scientifics with humans and aliens(?) in Nisei (episode 3#09) (episode 3#10); but till this moment, we've only seen little pieces of the big puzzle.

More revelating details come up in Talitha Cumi (episode 3#24) and Herrenvolk (episode 4#01), when alien rebel Jeremiah Smith shows his discontent with the Master Plan, and he's condemned to extinction by that cause. However, befor meetign his fate, he shows Mulder a farm where the "work" is being done. The Master Plan (as he calls it for the first time) includes a indetermined number of ginseng and growing-bees farms, worked by cloned hybrid children. But, if we believe the words of the Alien Bounty Hunter, we've only seen pieces of a whole. In Tunguska (episode 4#01) and Terma (episode 4#01) we discover the Cold War is not over. Now, the main objective of both the States and the Russia is to get first a vaccine against a deadly alien pathogen hidden in the Tunguska rock. The experiments with this pathogen are extened in both countries, and since the Consortium is involved, it seems evident that the virus has a undetermined role in the Mater Plan, as have the bees, which appear again in Zero Sum (episode 4#17). The alien hybrids of Memento Mori (episode 4#14) add new data explaining that the abducted women are treated with a high radiation treatment to get genetic material from them in order to create new clones. unfortunately, the treatment also produces a deadly form of brain cance r in case the little implants that control it are removed.

More about the Plan is revealed in Redux (episode 5#02) Redux II (episode 5#03). The implication of the Department of defense is evidenced when Mulder discovers in their instalations secret laboratories where some abducted women are being experimented with, and fake alien corpses are being made. But the main purpose of the whole thing is stil unclear.

The new revelations of Patient X (episode 5#14) The Red and the Black (episode 5#15) are even more puzzling. As the struggle between the States and Russia for getting a working vaccine constinues, weird abductees mass burnings are taking place. An alien civil war beetween the Master Plan defensors and the rebels is on; in the meantime, the Consortium gets a sample of the russian vaccine, which proves to be succesful.

In Fight the Future we get a large overview to the whole of the Plan. The efforts of the consortium to help the aliens in their colonisation are proved useless when it's discovered that the aliens intentions are not a colonisation, but an organised repopulation that includes the extinction of the human race. Actually, this was already predicted by Jeremiah Smith when he said the Master Plan meant a "new origin of the species". The original plan was to infect humans using bees infected with the Black ancer virus from genetically modified corn. The Consortium supposed that the virus would only control humans who would be used as slaves, but their suppositions are proved wrong. It is still to know what will be their next movement, now that they know the vaccine...


Over the fifth seasons of the X files, we've seen lots of secret and ilegal experiments. Most of them involved alien biological entities or technology, and formed part of the Big Conspiracy, while others were about different subjects not related to the Plan. In the first group we find the alien technology tests in
Deep Troath (episode 1#01), the test of the Purity control substance involving alien DNA in the teenagers in Red Museum (episode 2#) the experiments with aliens in Anasazi (episode 2#24) and Operation Paperclip (episode 3#02), the experiments with aliens, abductees and Hansen affected humans in Nisei (episode 3#09) and (episode 3#10), the inhuman experiments with old people and prisioners in Tunguska (episode 4#16) and Terma (episode 4#17). On the second group we can find lots of different and odd deeds, like the evil way to test new illness and cures between the inmates of a prision in F. Emasculata (episode 3#20), the test upon the person of Dr. in Soft Light (episode 3#22), and the fear induction in Blood (episode 2#03), Wetwired (episode 3#23) and Unusual Suspects (episode 5#01). Consortium is involved in all these dark experiments, even when they don't relate to the Master Plan.
