Late Vs. Never

Prologue Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4


One week after "On-line". The team have up to date only fought the Lectrons twice. They have run late by five minutes after the first time and were summoned out of a lecture the second time. The first time we see the four in this episode is during a lecture by a particularly boring lecturer.


...and to sum up, we have learnt that the reports for your assignments MUST be done as discussed in this lecture or you will risk losing many marks. Incidentally, in Thursday's tutorial, there will be a test on Network Operations. Thank you.

The last statement brings a series of groans from the attendees. The off-duty VRDC are especially annoyed.


I wish he'd give us more advance notice of a test.

A student next to them overhears and comes up to them.


He did. Last Thursday, when you four were late to class. He mentioned it before you arrived.


Why didn't he say anything?


You know what he's like. He doesn't repeat himself unless it's specifically justified, and being late for his tutorial doesn't count.


Thank you, anyway.

The student leaves them and the team go to walk out another door in the lecture hall.


I am so not prepared for this. Defending the digital realm against invading warriors is not helping our studies.


Yeah, and Network Operations is my weakest area. I don't know how I'm going to manage without a decent amount of study, and two days doesn't count.


I'd suggest that we meet in the private study area tomorrow after Practical Programming to pool our resources.


You're right. We're definitely going to need it.


Hmm-hmm. Okay, I'll see you all tomorrow.

Scott, Julie and Lisa (together)


Ahmed walks off in one direction towards the bus stop, while the others head in the opposite direction.

Scene 1

It is now the next day, and the four are sitting around a circular table in the private study hall with sheets spread over the table. The sheets all relate to the topic of the test. Scott is staring blankly at one, Ahmed is talking with Lisa and Julie is carefully reading a book.


I definitely don't understand this part.

Ahmed (turning to Scott)

If it's any consolation, I don't particularly know what they're on about either.


It's not, but thanks anyway.


What time is it?

Scott (looking at his watch)

It's precisely -- uh-oh!

The other three look at him. Scott starts to get up and shovel his notes into his bag.


What's up?


It's three minutes to three!

The others realise what's wrong and begin shovelling their notes into their bags as well.


If we don't get there in the next couple of minutes, Mr. Turner will kill us!


Anybody feel like a quick run?!


We'll have to if we've got a chance of making it on time!

They finish clearing the table, fasten their bags up, and quickly make their way out of the study hall. As they jog down the corridor, their bracelets begin to beep.

Scott (coming to a halt)

Just what we need right now.

The four slow down and look around them. As the corridor has people in it, the four dodge into an empty room. Scott presses a button on his bracelet.


Scott here.

Agent X

There is a disturbance in sector 7, the Public Library computer system.


We'll deal with it.

He cuts the transmission and looks at the others.


Looks like we won't make class on time.

The four assume positions and poise their fingers over a pad on the side of their bracelets.

Scott, Ahmed, Lisa and Julie (together)

VR Digital!

They press the buttons. There is a bright flash and the four disappear.

Seconds later, the VRDC are zooming down a digital tunnel and soon fly out into a digital grid. Four Lectrons are some distance away using their blades to disrupt the grid.


Hey, what do you think you four are up to!

The Lectrons look around to see the VRDC. They stop what they're doing and stand ready.


We're about to teach you that it's wrong to tamper with public property.

The Lectrons start running towards the VRDC, and they start to run towards the Lectrons. The Lectrons point their blades at the four, and they hold their right arms in front of them to deflect the blades away. It works, and the teams stop to face each other.

Matrix's attacker jumps up and does a spinning kick towards him. Matrix is caught out by the manouevre and goes flying. He gets up and assumes ready stance.


Let's try it again!

Matrix jumps up and points his fists at the Lectron. He then flashes and zooms toward the Lectron, flying through it and resulting in the Lectron flashing before disappearing.

Deletion complete!

Tronic, Cyber and Byte have triple-teamed against the remaining Lectrons. Cyber and Byte stand up straight as Tronic leaps up, propels himself further upward off their shoulders, and comes down with one foot forward knocking one Lectron to the floor and it vanishes the same way as the other did.

Cyber and Byte use the distraction to run towards the other two. As they approach the Lectrons, who are standing beside each other, they stretch out their arms toward each other and clothes-line them knocking them to the floor and they vanish. The team re-groups.


Okay, four more bite the dust!


Yeah, but if we don't get to class now, we will too!

The four grab their wrists and vanish. A second later, they appear in the empty classroom in their civilian forms. Ahmed looks at his watch.

Ahmed (downbeat)

It's now twenty past three. There's no chance that we'll get away with it now.


I think we should miss this tutorial. There's nothing much happening in it, anyway.


I agree. We won't help anyone if we walk in this late.


I think we should use the time to do some further study.

The four nod at one another and walk out of the room and back towards the study hall.

End of scene 1.

Scene 2.

The next day, the team arrive in a lecture and sit down quietly, obviously feeling more than a little guilty about yesterday. The lecturer does, however, approach them. His name is Jeff Wilkinson.


I've been told that you four failed to turn up yesterday for an assessed lab.

Lisa (shocked and worried)



He said that you were given ample warning about it.


We forgot about it.


Well, I've had talk with him, and he agrees that you can take a make-up assessment. I don't think, however, that John Pike will be so forgiving if you miss his test tomorrow. I suggest that you turn up for that, and don't forget!

Jeff walks back towards the front of the class to begin the lecture.

Later, after the lecture, the four are walking down a corridor talking about the test.


I don't believe I forgot about that assessment. My dad's already noticed my grades starting to slip. He's starting to wonder what's going on. I can't tell him why I'm starting to slip.


We'd better hope that the next time Master Lectron tries anything, we're not in class or due in one.

Scott's bracelet beeps.


Speaking of which.

They duck into a recess in the corridor, which is empty anyway. Scott presses the comm button.


We're here! What's up?

Agent X

I'd like you to transport to the Digitiser Base immediately.


All right, we're on our way. Ahmed?

Ahmed looks out at the corridor, which is still empty. He returns to the others and nods. They each press the transportation button on their bracelets. Their is a brief flash, and they vanish.

End of Scene 2.

Scene 3.

Digitiser Base. The four materialise on the pad. They walk into the centre of the floor and face the main monitor. Agent X appears.


What is it? Another creature?

Agent X

No. I have monitored class attendances and grades for you four to keep up to date with your well-being in regular life. It seems you missed a class yesterday. A class which started when you were fighting the Lectrons. In addition, it seems that the time you have spent here and acquainting yourselves with the Digital Realm in combat and training have not helped your academic performance. First, I would like to remind you that your studies are very important and cannot be ignored simply to get extra training when you are prepared anyway for your defender responsibilities. Second, if an emergency requires you to be late for a class, turn up in any case. It is better to be late than not to be there at all. It seems that forsaking this very important lesson has affected your grades.


We understand. We will make sure we attend the make-up assessment even if we are late.

Suddenly alarms start to sound. They aren't very loud or annoying, just enough to tell them something is wrong.


What's that? What does it mean?

Agent X

There is a major disturbance in Sector 56. It is not a Lectron signal.


What is it?

Agent X

I am attempting to acquire an image. Image acquired! Uploading to monitor 2.

The team walk over to the second monitor on the wall on their right as they face the main monitor. There is a VR image of an odd creature displayed. It has the distinctive features of a rhinoceros, yet appears to be mostly humanoid. It appears to wear some form of armour.

I have identified the program name as Rhinotron: Lectro configuration.


What's a Lectro?

Agent X

It is a more complex form of the type of program used to create the Lectrons.


Lectrons? You mean this is from Master Lectron?

Agent X



Then we have to stop it.

Agent X

Before you go, I'd like to give you a quick introduction to the packs you wear on your waists. I have studied them and they appear to have a function which gives you added abilities. You will become acquainted with them as time goes by. As yet, only one function is known to me. That is the SP function which allows you to perform special attacks. Use them wisely. Now go! Time is of the essence.


All right! Let's do it!

Scott, Ahmed, Lisa and Julie

VR Digital!

With that command, all four of them press the digitisation buttons on the bracelets, and they enter the Digital Realm, with the suits and packs appearing over them as they do so.

A minute later, they appear on the Digital Grid in VRDC form. Rhinotron is a short distance away, firing energy beams from his horn into the grid.


Hey, horn-face!

Rhinotron stops firing and turns to face them.


So, you're the rogues that I was warned about. You don't look all that strong to me! How about I tenderize you a bit?

He suddenly breaks into a lightning-fast charge, and before the VRDC can move, they are flung aside by the force of Rhinotron's horn colliding with them. Rhinotron slows and turns to face them again.

So, do you feel like giving in, rogues?

Matrix (attempting to stand up)

No way, and the name's Matrix!

The team all stand up and stand ready with their leader.


Tronic's the name!


I'm Cyber!


Byte! --and we're going to get you deleted and be home for tea.


We'll see, but how about we try this for starters!

He fires an energy beam at the team, but they jump over it and give Rhinotron a flying kick.


No thanks, we're not hungry just yet.


You've had it, rogues!


We're not going down, and we're actually the VR Digitiser Crew!


Makes no difference to me!

Matrix (to the others)

I think it's time to try the packs out.


You've got it.


With you.


One hundred per cent.


You're going down, Rhinotron!


I'd like to see you try!

Matrix presses the button marked SP on his pack.


Matrix Blast!

He stretches both arms out in front of him and a blue ball of energy surrounds his hands. He brings his hands back to his chest and then flings them out forward again. The ball of energy shoots an energy beam straight at Rhinotron. It hits him square on and hurls him some distance away.


My turn!

Tronic presses the SP button.

Tronic Shocker!

He raises his arms above him. A red energy ball surrounds both hands as he links them together. He then brings both hands over to one side of his head and then crouching down, he hits the Digital Grid beneath him with his hands, still linked. The ball of energy emits from his hands to become powerful waves of energy which hit Rhinotron full force sending him flying.


Let me try!

Cyber presses SP.

Cyber Blade!

Cyber takes her right arm up to the left side of her head palm out and it glows yellow. She swipes it down diagonally across her front leaving a yellow slice of energy which flies from her into Rhinotron.

Byte (pressing SP)

Ultra Twister!

Byte then starts spinning while being surrounding by a sort of orange tornado. The tornado then lifts up above her, she stops spinning and the tornado flies toward Rhinotron. He is engulfed by the tornado which spins him around several times before it dissipates. Rhinotron finally stops spinning and then he finds the VRDC who have re-grouped.


I'll get you! You're not done with yet!

A hole appears beside him and he falls into it.


All right! We did it!


For now. I can't help but think about what he said. I think he'll be back.


Maybe, but for now I think we should be on our way.

They nod at each other and then grab their wrists and vanish.

End of scene 3.

Scene 4

Digitiser Base. The four appear on the pad and make their way to the centre of the room where they turn to face the main monitor. Agent X appears on the screen.

Agent X

Congratulations. You have performed to my expectations. I am pleased. However, I believe that Rhinotron will be back. Until a Lectro can be deleted completely, it is still a risk.


We'll handle it.

Agent X

As you seem to have handled your special abilities. I believce there is still more to your interface packs yet. Lisa, I would appreciate it if sometime during your studies you would assist me in attempting to discover any more abilities that will enable you to spend a shorter amount of time in the realm and more time spent with your work. As it is, I feel that if you are unable to handle both, then I would lose some valuable assets.


We won't let you down.


Of course not.


We need each other now.


We'll be there when you need us. You can count on that.

Agent X

I appreciate your sentiments, friends. I will let you know that it is mutual.

Ahmed (looking at his watch)

Damn! If we don't leave now, we're going to be late for the last lecture of the day!


We'd better go!

Agent X

Farewell for now.

The team return to the pad and vanish.

ETN Base. The workers are working as always. Hunter is stood on the platform talking with Master Lectron, who is on the large screen.


It seems that the rogues have discovered the SP function, my leader.

Master Lectron

I can see that. It seems your incompetence has yet again failed to reveal to us the identities of the four rogues. You must find them before they discover the function of RY. If they do, then the next stage of the plan may be endangered. You have a job to do, Dr. Hunter! I have given you another chance. I will present you with my new plan as well as a new Lectro by tomorrow. Can I be assured that this will not be thwarted.


Of course, my leader. I have retained Rhinotron as you commanded. Along with your new Lectro, it cannot fail.

Master Lectron

See that it does not.

With that Master Lectron vanishes and Hunter leaves the room.

End of scene 4.

End of episode.

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