CREATED BY Philip Lawrence

In 1998, a man working on a new technology that would allow organic matter to be digitised into virtual energy fell victim to the proto-typical technology.

� 10 years later, a company known as NETS owns the rights to a new network called Net across Britain that will allow more than the internet has ever been able to do. A rival company called ETN wants to undermine the new development and sends digitised soldiers into the Net to disrupt its workings. The chairman is called Isaak Hunter, but his job is overseen by a mysterious entity that resides in the digital domain that identifies itself as Master Lectron. While working at the digitiser program, a spy transmits a copy to an unidentified destination on the Net. He is promptly erased and Master Lectron sends out soldiers to retrieve it.

� Four college students attempt to find out what a certain program is that has been transmitted to a computer they are using, and are sucked through the computer and find themselves in a mysterious world which forms their perception of the digital domain. They are in a different form and have super abilities. They defend themselves from soldiers sent from somewhere and win. A being known only as Agent X brings them to a secret base and tells them what happened. He works for NETS and they have the program downloaded from their entry point. He tells them that they must continue to fight Master Lectron's forces. They agree and decide to call themselves ... the VR DIGITISER CREW!

To fight Master Lectron, they must arm themselves with weapons, vehicles and other capabilities to have a chance.

The team members are:

Scott Rennie

� Codename: Matrix

Native to Britain, Scott is the leader of the team and will not give up on any task once is mind is set to it.

Ahmed Reh

� Codename: Tronic

Born and raised in India, Ahmed's family moved to Britain when he was 12. He has since made lots of friends.

Lisa Allen

� Codename: Cyber

Lisa is a bit of a loner. She suffers from her single father moving around a lot. She is really good with computers.

Julie Tsung

� Codename: Byte

Julie is a native Brit but her parents moved from Japan when they married. She is a green belt in karate and best friends with Lisa.

They initially have just four digital vehicles called Lock-Ons. They combine with the VRDC to form more powerful attacks. The combinations are:

Matrix + Blaster = MatrixBlaster (a mobile weapons arsenal)

Tronic + Digi = DigiTronic (a small tank with excellent manoeuvrability)

Cyber + Sabre = CyberSabre (a high-speed panther-like attack vehicle

Byte + Ultra = UltraByte (a flying attack craft)

Digi, Sabre and Ultra combine with MatrixBlaster to form GigaBlaster, a Matrix-controlled super-warrior.

Episode #1, "On-Line"

Episode #2, "Late Vs. Never"

- apologies for the lack of a Rhinotron pic. I will attempt to get one up asap.

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