
Prologue Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4


November 1999: A researcher is silently at work in an electronics lab. He is typing at a computer making several calculations. He enters some final figures and executes the program he has been working on. A power surge makes the lights in the building flicker and then the monitor emits a bright flash. The researcher screams. The intense light drowns out everything else. When the light dies down and the monitor returns to normal, the lab is now empty. On the monitor, an electronic representation of the researcher's face flashes and then disappears.

Scene 1

6 October 2008. The ETN building in the town of Westport in the north of England. Inside, several black-uniformed workers operate computer terminals in a dark room. A door opens at one end of the room and a man in his 40s with greying hair wearing a suit enters. He slowly makes his way past the terminals glancing out the corner of his eye at each terminal as he passes it. He ends up at a platform at the other end of the room next to a large screen. A name tag on the left side of his uniform reads Hunter

Dr. Isaak Hunter



The workers look up at him

We are about to enter the final phase of the implementation. Soon we will send our armies in to begin the discreditation operation.

A brief silence signifies that he has finished. The workers then look back down and carry on with their work. One man does not quite seem to fit in with the rest. From time to time he looks up at the occupants of the room. Hunter notices him. He then steps down from the platform and starts walking in the man's direction. He notices and starts inputting codes into the terminal. He noticeably starts rushing. Hunter is definitely on to him now. He quickens his step. The man starts entering a final set of codes to start transmission. Hunter beckons the man sitting next to the spy to grab him. The spy is about to enter the final transmission code when is grabbed. His hand, though, is jolted on to the "enter" key and the transmission is quickly made. The spy is whirled around to face Hunter. The other workers continue working as though nothing is happening.

Hunter (angrily)

Who are you?

The spy is silent.

What were you doing?

The spy remains silent.

Are you from NETS?

The spy, while remaining silent, puts a slightly defiant expression on his face which betrays his allegiance.

Remove him!

During the inquisition, two security guards arrived and now they take hold of the spy and walk him out the room. The spy, while still retaining the defiant expression, offers no resistance. The worker returns to his terminal and continues his working. Hunter turns and walks to the platform. The screen then automatically switches on. A computer-generated image of a helmeted man sporting devil-like horns appears on the screen.

Master Lectron

Image (angrily)

What is going on? I have detected an outgoing transmission.


It is nothing, Master Lectron. We had a spy attempting to undermine our work, but we removed him. He will not cause any problems.


It is too little, too late. A copy of our work was transmitted out of the facility. Your incompetence may have cost us everything we have worked for.


We were able to stop him before he entered sufficient co-ordinates.


You are wrong! Enough of the code was entered to send it somewhere. Due to your lack of intuition, we are unable to track it now. It is lost to normal retrieval methods. I suggest you send a strike-force to find-and-retrieve.


Your orders will be obeyed and carried out to the letter.

As Hunter leaves to assemble a strike-force, the screen goes blank.

End of scene 1.

Scene 2.

Scott Ahmed Lisa Julie

Some time later. A college at the other end of town. Several people are walking around outside, all students. Four students walk out the main entrance. The four are Scott, Ahmed, Lisa and Julie. They are each carrying bags. They are comparing results from their last test.


...and I got 98 per cent.

Ahmed (mockingly)

What did you get wrong?


The same question I always seem to miss.


You don't even want to know what I scored.

She quickly tucks the paper into her bag. The rest respectfully turn their attention away from it. They are aware of Julie's typical test scores.


So, is everyone all right to come around?


Oh yeah. I'd like to have a look at the Net. We'd have it already but my father is reluctant to spend so much without knowing if it's of any value.


In other words, you're not likely to see it in your house this century.


You're welcome around mine any time.


Does that invitation extend to us?


Of course. I wouldn't want you not to come.


Well then, let's go!

The four go to Scott's house and after greeting Scott's mother, proceed to the back room. Scott switches the computer on and clicks on the Net icon.
After going around the Net for a while, they decide to check the files they have collected. Scott disconnects and enters the temporary files folder.


Okay, if you want your files, you'd better have a disk ready.

Ahmed (pointing to a file)

What's that?


I'm not sure. It looks like an executable.


As they say, there's only one way to find out.

Scott (as he clicks on the icon)

I don't remember downloading an executable.

He watches the file open a window and then the message, "Do you wish to initiate file?" flashes on the screen.


Careful, it could be a virus. You'd better have up-to-date virus checkers installed.


Don't worry. I'll be careful.

Scott clicks on 'yes' and then the screen goes dark.


Maybe it was a virus.

The screen then flickers several times. There is a bright flash that envelops the room. The light dies down and the room is empty.

End of scene 2.

Scene 3.

The ETN building. The workers are still at their terminals. In fact, every time we see this room in the future, they will be at their terminals working away. This time, however, they are busy attempting to locate the program that was sent out. Suddenly, one of the workers turns to Dr. Hunter, who is on the platform.



Hunter walks up to the worker.




There are unknown programs in the system. Four of them. They match the type that are created by the program.


Let's see.

We now see a pitch-black area until a faint glow shows four human silhouettes.


What happened?


Where are we?


The last thing I remember is being on my computer and starting a program.


Then there was some flashing, and we seemed to be flying.


Then we were here. I remember.


But, where's here?


I feel strange.


So do I.

Suddenly the area is lit by the glow from a purple grid which seems to surround them. The four are illuminated and can now see each other clearly.

They look different. They are now wearing coloured outfits. As far as each of them can see, they are also wearing masks which appear to be hoods, but are as solid as helmets. The suits are coloured differently for each of them. Scott is wearing blue, Ahmed is in red, Lisa's is yellow and Julie's is orange. The suits are also covered in decorative lines which appear different for each person. The lines are all in silver.


What the...?!


What's going on?!


What's this?!


How did this happen?!

After spending a while looking at themselves they start looking at their surroundings.


Guys, I think I know what this is! Those grids are the closest VR has ever come to representing the digital realm. We're actually in the digital realm now!


Then what's with our attire?


I heard of someone trying to digitise organic life years back. They found that the realm breaks down organic life rapidly unless they have proper protection. That's what we're wearing. If we weren't, we would have been little bits of data spread around the world as soon as we entered.


The program we tried?


That must have been the end result of the research. Nobody ever got around to protecting organic life sufficiently though.


I think somebody did -- and we're the living proof!

Suddenly there is a bright flash and when it dies down there are four humanoids standing there.

They are dressed in grey suits with black armour. They have blades attached to their right arms which are definitely there for a reason.
They start rushing the four soon-to-be heroes. All four try to dodge their attackers, but are slashed by the blades. They go flying and land spread out on the (ground?). They get up and examine themselves wondering why they are still here.


What happened? There's barely a mark on us!


It must be the suits. They must protect us from their weapons as well as discorporation.


Wow! You mean they can't hurt us?!


To an extent. They'd have to hit us pretty hard to pierce the suits.


All right! Then I'd say we get rid if these -- whatever they are!


I'm with you!


Let's do it!


Let's send them back to where they came from!


Let's go!

They face the dark warriors and assume ready stance. The warrior then begin rushing them again but this time the team is ready.

A warrior approaches Scott with the same tactic as previously, but when Scott dodges out the way, he blocks the blade with his right arm and uses the left arm to chop the warrior in the side which knocks it away and then Scott delivers a right kick into the warrior's mid-section which sends it flying.

Ahmed's attacker attempts to give him a back-hand slice with the blade on its approach, but Ahmed ducks out the way and the warrior runs past. It stops and turns to find Ahmed coming in low to use his leg to take the warrior off its feet. The warrior lands on its back.

Lisa, meanwhile, is in the midst of defending herself against her opponent. It slices high and Lisa ducks. It slices low but Lisa jumps over the blade to swiftly introduce her foot to the warrior's stomach. While it bends over, Lisa gives it a chop at the base of its neck and it flops down.

Julie, being the most qualified martial artist in the group, is giving her attacker a run for its money. The warrior goes for a kick only to miss as Julie backflips out of the way. Then Julie jumps up and comes flying into the warrior, using her legs to knock the warrior off its feet. Then, when the warrior gets up, Julie jumps over it stepping on its shoulders in the process which sends the warrior on to its front.

The team re-groups as the warriors slowly get to their feet.


Had enough?!

The warriors step backward and are sucked into a hole which appears behind them and the hole closes, leaving the team alone.


Wow! That was interesting.

Julie (to Scott)

Yeah. What now?


We have to find out how to get out of here somehow. There has to be a -- whoah!

Scott is cut off when a hole opens in front of them and sucks them in. The hole closes.

End of scene 3.

Scene 4.

The ETN building. The room is the same as always. Hunter is on the platform looking at the giant screen displaying the image of Master Lectron.


I know exactly what happened. I see everything. I know all. The Lectrons failed. I am displeased when all does not go according to the Master Plan.


I am aware of this. We are preparing a counter-strike as I speak to you.


It had better work. I have spent the last 10 years developing the Master Plan. I cannot have four rogue programs inside the systems undoing everything that we have worked toward. NETS must not dominate. I will soon have all.


Of course. I understand every whim and desire of your excellent mind. We will not fail again. I can guarantee you that much.


I will take you up on that guarantee, Isaak. Now - I have a little extra something that you can add to your plan.

Change scene to a silver-walled room. Two of the four walls are lined with monitors and equipment. The monitors display rotating purple grids as well as views around Westport. The largest monitor is in an area by itself on a third wall. Along the fourth wall opposite to the large monitor is a bench with four advanced-looking terminals mounted on it. The screens are currently blank. The keyboards for them appear to be printed on the bench surface. To the left of the large monitor is a raised circular platform which goes into the corner. The platform is decorated with a silver grid. The same pattern is on the ceiling above it. There are no doors in the room. It appears to be self-contained.
The silver grid-lines on the corner platform glow and then a flash illuminates the room. When the flash disappears, the four friends are standing there in the same clothes they wore before they were sucked into the computer.

Ahmed (staring around the room in amazement)

I don't believe it. Where are we now?

Lisa (also staring around the room in amazement)

If I knew, I'd tell you.

The four overcome their amazement, step off the platform and start exploring the room.


This place is incredible. I wouldn't touch anything. We don't know what it does. It's safer if we don't press anything that might spread our molecules all over England.


Don't worry. I know better than to touch unfamiliar equipment.


What are we doing here?

A loud, deep, electronic voice fills the room that makes the four jump.


You are here because I called you here.


What was that?


Who was that?


I will be known to you only as Agent X.


As in the X-Files?

Agent X (ignoring Ahmed's question)

I am Agent X. I work for NETS who wish to help the greater good.


Who are you? Why are we here?

Agent X

Observe the main monitor.

Lisa is the first to notice the large monitor.



She points them toward the main monitor.

Agent X

On it is displayed a 3D model of a human head with edges and corners which appears to make it more like an array of metal panels which is further enhanced by the cold bluish-grey colour of the whole head. The eyes do not have pupils but are pale blue. As Agent X talks, the lips move in synch.

Agent X

This is how I will interact with you.

Ahmed (puzzled)


Agent X

I have been observing the activities of some rogue programs for some time. They enter computer systems, disrupt them and leave. While I observed the transit of four of these rogues, I detected the existence of four other rogues which appeared from a different source. I traced these rogues to a residential outlet in Westport. I reasoned that they had little to do with the regular rogues. I found at the residential outlet a copy of a program that seemed different in structure to the programs distributed on our systems. I downloaded a copy and found it to be a program for the digitisation of reality-state matter into digital information and back again. I also found it to include a sub-routine for the protection of reality-state organic matter against the harmful effects of the digitisation process. It was nothing I was accustomed to. We have technicians and scientists studying the program as I speak.


The residential outlet? My house?

Agent X



And the rogues from a different source to the ones you monitor? From the residential outlet?

Ahmed (finishing Lisa's train of thought)

You mean us don't you?

Agent X



Why have you brought us here? To this room, I mean?

Agent X

I recorded the fight between you and the rogues I believe to be called Lectrons. You fought bravely and valiantly. There are people who would have been too afraid of the Lectrons and would probably have been taken for Master Lectron to interrogate and imprison.


Who's Master Lectron?

Agent X

Master Lectron is a being that appears to communicate with his Lectrons whenever they appear. I believe he is their supreme leader.


Where do we fit in?

Agent X

After observing you defend yourslves against a foe as strong as the Lectrons, I have decided that you should aid me in eliminating this threat to the realm. To this end I have made it my decision to designate you as Virtual Reality Warriors.


I'm not sure about the name.


I'm not sure that's something I'd like to be called either.


How about Digital Crew?


-or VR Digitisers?


What about Virtual Reality Digitiser Crew? -or VR Digitiser Crew?

Agent X

The name is unimportant. You are already acquainted with the suits which will provide you with your protection in the digital realm. To be able to initiate these abilities remotely and to enable me to contact you, I will issue you with command interfaces called digitiser bracelets. They are worn discretely on your wrists and incorporate a communicator and a remote digitisation activator. The bracelets are voice-activated. Only the designated wearer of the bracelet will be able to use it. This system will also be your only way of activating the digitisation process. The command is, "VR Digital." This must be accompanied by pressing the activation pad on the side. Now - receive your bracelets!

As Agent X spoke, a cylinder rose from the pad that the four appeared on and is now at waist height to the team. A small flash occurs on the top of the cylinder, and there are now four bracelets with a small coloured insignia on each one. Remembering their suits, each picks up their relevant bracelet and puts it on. Scott takes the one with a blue bar, Ahmed takes the one with a red diamond on it, Lisa picks up the one with a yellow arrow on and Julie takes the one with the orange fork symbol.

I have availed myself of the chance to study the program and have discovered that each of your suit programs has a name. I have made the decision to give you each code names according to the suit name. Scott will be code-named Matrix. Ahmed's call code is Tronic. Lisa will be known as Cyber, and Julie's code name is Byte. Congratulations! You are now the VR Digitiser Crew! Finally, there are ground rules I feel that I must lay. First, to protect yourselves against the possibilty of Master Lectron discovering your identities through any way he can, you must never reveal to anyone your code name or your status as a virtual warrior. Don't digitise unnecessarily. We still have no idea how stable the program is. Only use your abilities to prevent Master Lectron's armies from disrupting computer systems. Finally, never, under any circumstances, use your abilities for your own personal use. We will find you out! Thank you and good luck!

With that, the screen goes dead. The team takes a look around before they gather on the pad and Lisa starts operating controls marked, 'Energiser Operation System.'


And that concludes our first adventure as the VR Digitiser Crew. And I'm certain it won't be our last.


You sound like a story book.


It's a story all right. The story of our lives.

Lisa (pressing a timer control and joining her team-mates)

And our lives just get better from here on out.


-- and to all a good night!

The team laughs as they disappear from the pad.

End of scene 4.

End of episode 1.

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