Hi! If you have Matt news, write to me at

Welcome to the Matt Damon Column,
a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.

If you are a new Matt fan, check out the archive of past columns - there's tons of stuff accumulated since Matt's GWH days - the links are at the bottom of this page.
Updated 3/6/2000

My thanks to Amy for scanning and sharing this pic.

  • From the Dallas Morning News: Matt Damon's silken portrayal of The Talented Mr. Ripley fell victim to the film's backlash. . .
    3/6/00 3/4/00 (Note: Two of the pics were new to me also; they are of Matt and Penelope Cruz - one is a bedroom scene.) 3/3/2000 3/2/2000 A deluge of news: 3/1/2000 News from a big Matt fan: 2/29/2000 2/28/2000 2/27/2000 2/26/2000 2/25/2000
    2/24/2000 Kathryn of Edinburgh wrote:
    Go here for a few quotes about TTMR and Bagger Vance.
    TTMR opens in the UK on Friday... can't wait :)


    2/19/2000 2/18/2000 2/17/2000
    2/12/2000 2/10/2000 2/9/2000
    Yipee!!! Felicity is back on the Matt beat. :-) She wrote: 2/8/2000
  • Lisa wrote:
  • A reader wrote:'s Matt Damon message board is now up and running. Please feel free to drop by and post your message on his board, or view messages from other fans of Matt.
  • More on Ripley:
    The Los Angeles Times' Living Section has a humorous, irrevelant column three times a week. On Monday there was a piece taking jabs on movie sequels, and it leads with "The Talented Mr. Ripple", with the synopsis of something like an old blonde man leaves a trail of murder in Italy, killing everyone who squeezes the toilet papers too hard. 2/7/2000
    A big Matt fan wrote: 2/6/2000
    2/5/2000 2/3/2000 2/2/2000 (Good news indeed. There is a common practice among the studios to overestimate their B.O. take in order to get some (sometimes deparately needed) buzz for their films. Apparently Ripley didn't need that! 1/4/2000 1/2/2000 1/1/2000 Happy New Year. I have archived last month's items. If you missed reading all the exciting Ripley news, click here.

    Don't forget that E! is supposed to show Ripley behind-the-scene this Sunday 1-2-2000.

    Wrote Felicity:

    (I might add that Ben Affleck reportedly gets $10M per pic. It's clear that money is not Matt's object - he wants good roles, and he has been getting them. My hat is off to him - another reason why I admire him so.) Click here for last month's news.
    This is a no-frills web site dedicated to a weekly (or so) column on Matt Damon , the actor.
    The columns are written by a fan of the actor and are stricly for the reading pleasure of others who admire Matt. Each column will address a specific topic, along with tidbits and news on Matt.
    Readers' emails are welcome. Write to me at
    Guest columns are invited. If you have a column that you want to be considered to be published here, write me.

    Click on a column

    I hope you enjoy this site. Sorry if you looked for Matt photos in vain. If you like photos, see the Unofficial Matt Damon site or this site.
    Some good sources of Matt Info
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