Febrary articles archive

2/11/99 A planetDamonite wrote: (Sigh, I missed this one. Would dearly love to have caught it. If you did, please write me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.)

2/10/99 A huge Matt fan wrote:
Just in case you haven't seen it yet, the March issue of Premier (with Nicolas Cage on the cover)has a feature on last year's Oscars. Here's how it describes what happened on Sunday, March 22, at the rehearsal prior to the event:
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck arrive together. Affleck has brought his mom, who wants to take photos inside the hall. Secuirity chief Jerry Moon okays her request. Near the stage Damon and Affleck run into Frances McDormand, and the three have a long, enthusiastic chat. She shows them baby pictures.
On their way out, Damon and Affleck pass the sign-in table, which is suddenly congested with young people. Danny Shapiro, the eleven-year-old son of senior executive consultant Robert Z. Shapiro, whispers to Affleck, "Kick Titanic's ass!" Affleck grins and gives Danny a big hug. "You're gonna go far in this life, kid," he says. On the way to their car, they run into writer Bruce Vilanch. "It's gonna be all Titanic jokes, isn't it?" Affleck asks. "No," Vilanch insists. "We're egalitarian."
There's a cute black and white picture of Matt accompanying the article, with the caption, "Matt City: Good Will Hunting's Matt Damon, nominated with costar Ben Affleck for Best Original Screenplay, was an especially big hit with the kids of the show's staffers."
The article gives a minute-by-minute recap of the entire ceremony, on stage and backstage. There's also a sidebar story on how the winners (including Matt and Ben) have fared since the Oscars (with photo).
All in all, it's a nice way to relive last year's Oscar glory, especially since Matt is unlikely to be a part of this year's festivities.
(My note: If only I were a Matt Damon fan last year this time - what a ride it would have been. Also: Get the idea that Matt will make an excellent big-brother or (parish the thought) father?? Also, Francis McDermott was in "The Good Old Boys" with Matt. )

The following items appeared on the alt.gossip.celebrities newsgroup and should be taken with a large grain of salt:
