Hi! If you have Matt news, write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.)

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a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.

If you are a new Matt fan, check out the archive of past columns - there's tons of stuff accumulated since Matt's GWH days - the links are at the bottom of this page.
Updated 4/1/2000
That Matt Damon is going places", Gregory Peck, 1998. . .

A reader wrote:
Sunday's New York Times has an article about what the Oscars say about the current state of American society. It explores the obvious themes: prisons are hot, heroism is dead, families are dysfunctional.
One category is duplicity, and the article mentions "The Insider," "Boys Don't Cry," and "Election." Then: "Matt Damon, meanwhile, embodies all that is fraudulent about humanity in the nerve-racking thriller 'The Talented Mr. Ripley.' But he looks great, doesn't he?" The Murky Politics of the Hollywood Tribe By STUART KLAWANS
Clearly his performance, though not nominated, hasn't been forgotten. And get this: the article cites dozens of films current and past, but Matt is the one and only performer named.
(I looked up the article - it's in the "Week in Review' section, and is by BRUCE KLUGER, in an article entitled "2000 Oscars: The U.S. Needs More Prozac").


(My thanks to all who wrote to share the news.)


A reader sent this article from "New Idea" magazine (New Zealand, march 11): Matt and Winona so in love - aagghh!

A reader wrote:
I want to tell you I found an article about "The legend of Bagger Vance" in the April issue of Architectural Digest. There are two pictures with Matt Damon, and in one he is with Will Smith and in the other one with Joel Gretsch.


Not much on the Matt front. But Felicity sent a batch of recent finds: 3/15/2000 News from Felicty: 3/14/2000
A reader wrote about this small correction:
The 2 photos in "Talk" are not both of Matt & his co-star, as both you say in your note following Sabrina's comment, which says the same. The major one -- i.e., the one with faces -- is of Matt and his stunt double, no?
(This is right - our mistakes. BTW the stunt double looks nothing like Matt, but perhaps from a distance they bear a resemblance.)


News from Felicity:
It's gone very quiet. No news on the Writers Guild awards (and when is that golf day thing), or the weekly news mags??
One photo from the Writers Guild awards on yahoo.com
There's a fair bit of Australian press at present for some reason (copies airmailing their way soon to me).
Best find today was a two-page spread on pics from the Harvard event in 'Heat' magazine (celebrity-filled local weekly one). Think Matt looking cute, wearing funny clothes, with Winona (sitting next to Mom and brother Kyle) looking pretty on the sidelines.
Also to note:
* Penelope Cruz is on the Hollywood cover of Vanity Fair (with about 6 others). More good press for her.
* There was a letter in the latest GQ about Matt's issue. It was funny in that it criticised the writer for knocking Matt's BO ability, saying he had done more than enough to suggest the jury was still out. Complimentary letter.
* The interview with Matt on last week's 'Movie Chart Show' - again a very cute but modest Matt, saying how he always has the same look in press shots at premieres because he's always so stunned; again saying he's no singer etc. He really does downplay himself almost too much. But lots of premiere pics and good shots.


3/6/00 3/4/00 (Note: Two of the pics were new to me also; they are of Matt and Penelope Cruz - one is a bedroom scene.) 3/3/2000 3/2/2000 A deluge of news: 3/1/2000 News from a big Matt fan: Click here for last month's news.
This is a no-frills web site dedicated to a weekly (or so) column on Matt Damon , the actor.
The columns are written by a fan of the actor and are stricly for the reading pleasure of others who admire Matt. Each column will address a specific topic, along with tidbits and news on Matt.
Readers' emails are welcome. Write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.
Guest columns are invited. If you have a column that you want to be considered to be published here, write me.

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I hope you enjoy this site. Sorry if you looked for Matt photos in vain. If you like photos, see the Unofficial Matt Damon site or this site.
Some good sources of Matt Info
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