News on The Talented Mr. Ripley

Coming to you this Christmas.

The's Ripley page: has links to reviews, articles, and promotional appearances.
A synopsis of the film.

The official "Ripley" site; check it out.

The Talented Mr. Ripley Fan Site

A particularly astute assessment of Matt's performance in Ripley, as appeared in an article about Oscar Hopefuls in the Daily Variety on 1/4/2000:

My own review of Ripley, written weeks after I saw it for the first time: Gifts from Felicity:

Lyrics of the song "Tu vuo' f� ll'americano" featureed in the movie can be found here. There's also a rough translation. Also, lyrics of My Funny Valentine.

For all the exciting items that transpired with the opening of Ripley, click here.

12/10/99 Well, the opening day is Christmas, and the buzz is going full-till. I will be keeping track of the reviews and the interviews that will be hitting us very soon.

The premiere.


1/20/99: MrShowBiz lists The Talented Mr. Ripley among "ten films to look forward to other than The Phantom Menance. Here's what's said about our Matt's film:

    The Talented Mr. Ripley
    (summer) (! - got to be wrong - all other sources list the release date as fall/holiday)
      Matt Damon: bisexual sociopathic killer? You heard right, the golden-boy star of Good Will Hunting and Saving Private Ryan plays the heavy in this adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's classic suspense novel. In the film, Damon becomes so erotically obsessed with a wealth pretty boy (Jude Law, perhaps finally living up to press hype) that he kills him and assumes his identity. Hot on his trail is Law's girlfriend (Gwyneth Paltrow), who finds herself caught up in Ripley's web of deceit. Rounding out the glamouous cast is white-hot Cate Blanchett (an assured Oscar nominee for Elizabeth(. There's sure to be lots of lush Italian Riviera locations and classy direction from Anthony Minghella (The English Patient). Of nothing else, Ripley should satisy any former Melrose Place fan'scraving for nasty, decadent fun among the bold and the beautiful.

1/20/99: Felicity found an article with Gwyneth Paltrow in an edition of 'W' magazine Here's what she wrote:

    It talks about how Gwyneth has been flying from the US to Italy quite a few times for her part in Ripley, and ends with a discussion of the film.

    Basically it starts with Gwyneth meeting Anthony Minghella on the awards circuit a year or so back, and they began talking.

    Minghella's ten-year-old son Max decided he liked Gwyneth, so he started sending letters to her, and she replied to them. Max started calling Gwyneth his girlfriend. Soon Gwyneth became friends with the Minghella family, and he thought of her for the role of Marge in Ripley.

    Minghella called her up to ask her opinion of Matt, and how she thought he would go as Tom Ripley. Gwyneth says she didn't really know who Matt was before she signed to the role, but she saw an advance screening of GWH and thought he was right for the part. Gwyneth's response to Matt being in the film was 'great'.

    It also says that Minghella also saw a pre-release screening of GWH. This ties in with the 'Details' article where it says that Minghella's son saw Matt after one of his movies had come out (which would be 'The Rainmaker'). Minghella then became interested, and asked to see Matt in GWH before it was released.

    The rest, of course, is history....


    There is such a thing as The Hollywood Stock Exchange and The Talented Mr. Ripley(TALNT) is one of the films that you can buy stocks in, apparently. See this site.

    Old news: Cate Blanchett's role in Ripley is Meredith Logue, an old friend of Matt's character. In the original novel, this character appears only briefly at the beginning of the story. Cate is expected to receive an Oscar nomination for her performance in the film Elizabeth.

    New news: Gwyneth Paltrow is apparently a sure bet for this year's Oscar nomination for Best Actress, on the strength of the soon-to-be-released Shakespeare in Love. This can only add to the glitter of the cast of "Ripley".

News from an Italian Matt fan:
    Hi there, this is Delia from Italy.Today i have sent an e.mail about "the talented Mr Ripley" to ( Matt Damon one list.

    Anyway here is the news i can give you about this movie,and also some pics.I also noticed Matt has slimmed too much,maybe it was something requested by Minghella.During the breaks while shooting "The Talented Mr. Ripley"here in Italy,Matt only ate carrots!!. Anyway he had a great time here,he must have smiled a lot!!.He spent last August in Rome,where he started shooting Minghella's new movie,together with Gwyneth Paltrow,Jude Law and Cate Blanchett,plus a few Italian actors.Matt plays a bizzare bloke,arrived in Italy to bring back to his family his rich friend(Jude Law);but Tom Ripley falls in love with Italy himself; what's more he kills his friend and replaces him.Gwyneth Paltrow is Jude's girlie,whereas Cate Blanchett(whose character is Meredith) is the first person he comes across on his arrival in Italy(i saw these scenes,since they were shot in my city' s harbour).In Rome Matt was joined by Wynona.In September after Venice he went to Naples,i know they shot in San Carlo's theatre(one of the biggest theatre in Italy),but as they had problems about shooting in Naples harbour they just came to my city.The first day they shot in a church"la Martorana",then the following two days in our harbour and then in a palace.

    I have alot of pics about Matt's days in palermo,since i was kind of always "after"him.He was extremely kind,and fascinating. By the way,Gwyneth had her birthday's party in Ischia where they went after palermo.the final scenes were shot in Venice.After shooting the final scenes,they spent some time in Italy the same.Gwyneth was in Milan(this time with Ben),whereas Matt was in Rome,exactly in Rome stadium to see the match Rome vs Juve.


Some of the pics mentioned by Delia can be found at Steve's site.

Click here for a photo of Matt and Mom at the Venice Film Festival in October. Note: Download will take time.
Click here for some photos from Ripley. Note: Download will take time.
Okay. I don't know how Matt Damon handles it. I feel like I am in a whirlwind just following the happenings about his films. Even as Rounders is about to be released, news are beginning to come in about The Talented Mr. Ripley(TTMR), currently filming in Italy.

"Ripley" is a very exciting film. It has an unusal story, and Matt will be in just about every frame, playing a complex, intriguing character. The supporting cast is stellar as well.

So, I started a page just to keep track of the happenings surrounding the film. The buzz on it is bound to be something fierce. Just wait and see.

If you hear of any news about TTMR, drop me a line at and I will see if I can add it to the collection.

11/29/98 Ripley news:

    If nothing else, "Ripley" will be talked about for the solid cast of supporting actors that director Anthony Minghella bestowed on Matt. Kate Blanchet, the Australian actress currently in the film "Elizabeth", for which she is expected to be nominated for the Oscars, is in the film. Her character is not in the original novel. Another supporting actor is a gentleman by the name of Anthony (?) Hall, who is written up in today's L.A. Times, which mentioned his appearance in Ripley, described as "Minghella's heavy hitter". This character actor too is receiving notice in a number of films (I forgot which), and he probably plays the role of an Italian investigator, or the father of the Jude Law character.

    What a cast.

11/7/98 News from Felicity, to whom we are all indebted:
    The latest Woman's Day (a magazine in Australia) has got a four-page article on Gwyneth in Italy. Focus - Gwyneth's in love - with Ischia (the island they're filming on). Not much there on Matt, but it does include a version of the scooter photo with Matt in singlet (and microphone strapped to singlet), smiling as Gwyneth climbs on the scooter. Mighty cute.

    Article only talks about how she loves Italy, says it's a great film and that she's really enjoying the work, but the hours are really long. She starts at 6.30am, only breaks for lunch and finishes up at 7.00pm.

    There was a story in aint-it-cool-news re the Ripley script. For some reason it was only there for a couple of hours before it was removed (revealed too much or whatever). Anyway, the guy 'Tom Joad' read about five scripts, and gave his views on Ripley.
    Basically (the ephemeral article) says it is very good, that Ripley is one of the most complex characters ever put on paper, and that you 'go thru so many layers of what and who he is, in the end it hits you that you'll never really know. "Hats off to Minghella, he did a masterful job of putting the novel into screenplay format while somehow never losing too much of what made the novel, and its sequels."
    Joad said he read an early script in August 95 and put off reading another because the first made him feel 'seriously uneasy.' He says version has the homo-erotic stuff seriously toned down, and that it's much easier to read as a result (this version was Sept 28 98 - apparently the final one.
    Quoting (from the article): "I at first thought this to be an odd-choice for Damon, he is basically playing a homosexual killer. But in the same he totally destroys the notion that he's just another pretty boy if he pulls it off. This is some serious bad-boy psycho behaviour here."
    "Ripley has this talent to near perfectly mimic anyone in everyway possible. From face, to voice, to handwriting, to appearance. And without his glasses on there is this uncanny resemblance between Ripley and Dickie. This is slowly told as Ripley basically makes every effort to be just like his friend. He overlaps their faces in windows [can't wait for that], wears his clothes, tries to seduce his girl, seduce him, and eventually as the your in and out Dickie (?) realises, become him. To give away anymore of this script would be a crime. You can guess what happens but the thing I liked most was I was never sure of what was coming next.

10/29/98 News - thanks to Felicity
  • This was in 10/28's Mr Showbiz, if you haven't seen it already. It's the follow-up to the mention of the Ripley script last week in the column by Jeff Wells:
      IN THE TRENCHES: Of all the scripts I collected last week, The Talented Mr.Ripley currently rolling in Italy under writer-director Anthony Minghell (The English Patient), with Matt Damon starring=97is by far the most fascinating. Minghella's screenplay (based on Patricia Highsmith's novel, which director Rene Clement made into a film called Purple Noon in 1960) is a study of Tom Ripley (Damon), a mild-mannered sociopath who's been paid to bring a friend (Jude Law) back to the U.S. from Italy, but who instead winds up killing the friend and assuming his identity. It should be interesting to see Damon play a monster for a change, albeit a charming one. (Ripley is an ongoing character in Highsmith's novels; he was played by Dennis Hopper in Wim Wender's classic adaptation of Highsmith's The American Friend.) A deeply suspenseful piece in the Hitchcock mode, but at the same time almost entirely character driven, The Talented Mr. Ripley will probably hit theaters in late '99.
    • Apparently there's a few photos and mentions of Matt in the latest Premiere mag. One is the scooter photo from Ripley in an article by Harvey Weinstein on the rival Ripley production.
    • On another Ripley note, here's a quote from Cate Blanchett on why she chose to take a small part in the film: "It's a smaller part in a divinely written script with a wonderful director. You can't turn them down." She plays Meredith, a Minghella creation, "who falls for Mr Ripley who has been sent over by this very wealthy family of Dickie Greenleaf's to claim Dickie. He ends up murdering him and impersonating him. So it is quite a dangerous world."

    A first look on how Matt looks in Ripley: The 8/31 People issue (with Princess Di on cover) has a photo of Matt and Gwyneth Paltrow from the film. This photo is now viewable on Tristen's site - look for the "What's Matt doing Right Now" box.
    See how much trimmer Matt will look in the film. And serious. This is going to be a very different Matt. I love it! Can't hardly wait.
    Those who are in Australia are even luckier: The New Weekly magazine there apparently has been featuring half a dozen of photos from the film for the past two weeks.
    This film is getting amazing attention.

  • An article on Ripley films, from the London Telegraph.
  • Casenet's TTMR page, including a list of cast and crew
  • Minghella Finalizes Cast of Matt Damon Flick, an article on Mr. ShowBiz which appeared in Jan. 98, about the casting of TTMR. There is an interesting analysis of the two male lead roles.
  • 8/17/98 Ripley photos now in Aussie Mags
  • 6/18/98 Mr. ShowBiz article "Ripley vs. Ripley"
More Ripley photos at the Unofficial Matt Damon Site.

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