Movie Reviews: In Brief

Title  Review Grade
Hope Floats Sandra Bullock is the former  prom queen returning to her hometown with her daughter after being publicly dumped by her jock husband. Forced to live with her  eccentric  mother (Gena Rowlands), take a menial job and suffer the schadenfreude of her former schoolmates.  Harry Connick Jr. is a classmate whom she shunned and who now sees her return as a chance to finally win her heart. Bullock and Connick Jr. are badly served by a stagnant and predictable script and Rowlands is simply wasted.  ***
Wild Things I saw this movie on a long distance flight  and being strapped to a seat in an air-tight container was the only reason I could watch the entire movie.No doubt intending to be a erotic thriller, it is unfortunately an incoherent, nonsensical mess.  Matt Dillon puts another nail in the coffin that was his once promising career, Kevin Bacon must have really needed the money, and Therese Russell's cameo is a sad indication of a declining career. Steamy scenes are supplied courtesy of Neve Campbell (who acquits herself well)  and Denise Richards whose utterly unconvincing performance is unintentionally hilarious. **
Primary Colours The trials and tribulations of Bill Clinton, sorry Jack Stanton, as he attempts to get the Democratic presidential nomination. Since the story unfolds through the eyes of a enthusiaistic campaign worker (Adrian Lester),Stanton (John Travolta) and his wife Susan (Emma Thompson) remain distant and unengaging figures. Kates Bates and Billy Bob Thornton have fun in their roles as the crises team as they rush to suppress one scandal after another. The movie is ostensibly a satire on American political and the story of a political aspirant making a Faustian pact to gain power. Unfortunately, Lester is far too wooden to hold our attention (and his character is far too naive to be credible), and real-life events have eclipsed the relatively mild shenanigans in this movie. Close but no cigar.  ***

****** Excellent   - An outstanding movie 
*****   V. Good   - Very enjoyable or engrossing 
****     Good        - Entertaining 
***       Mediocre  - Nothing special 
**         Poor         - A  waste of time 
*           Terrible     - Complete rubbish 


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