See bottom of the page for a guide to the rating system. Titles marked with a § have been shown as apart of the Stockholm Film Festival

A - D

E - H

I - L

M - P

Q - Z



A - D

8mm / Super 8 ***

American History X ****

Antz *****

Armageddon ***

Big Lebowski,The ****

Big Chill,The ****

Big One,The ***

Birds,The ****

Blade **

Brother from another Planet, The ****

Brylcream Boys, The **

Bug's Life,A / Ett Småkryps Liv ****

Deep Impact ***

Divine Trash § ****

Dr. Dolittle ***


E - H

Elizabeth ****

Enemy of the State***

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas § ***

General, The/Generalen ****

Girl **

Godzilla **

Hope Floats ***

Horse Whisperer, The/Mannen som kunde tala med hästar ****


I - L

I'm alright Jack *****

Lethal Weapon 4 ***

Life is Beautiful/Livet är underbart *****

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels ****


M - P

M ******

Mask of Zorro,The/Zorro, den maskerade hämnaren *****

Meet Joe Black/Möt Joe Black ***

Mighty Joe Young/Joe - jättegorillan ***

My name is Joe/Mitt namn är Joe ***

Negotiator,The/Förhandlaren ***

Nephew,The/Irländska Hjärtan ****

North by Northwest / I Sista Minuten *****

Opposite of Sex,The *****

Payback ***

Primary Colors ***


Q - Z

Rounders (Sista Spelat) ***

Saving Private Ryan ****

Shakespeare in love *****

Siege, The/Belägringen ***

Smoke Signals § ****

Still Crazy ***

Thin Red Line, The/Tunna Röda Linjen, Den ****

Titanic ****

Truman Show, The *****

Wild Things **

X-Files (Fight the Future) ***

You have mail/Du här mail ***



The rating system

****** Excellent   - An outstanding movie
***** V. Good - Very enjoyable or engrossing
**** Good - Entertaining
*** Mediocre - Nothing special
** Poor - A waste of time
* Terrible - Complete rubbish

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