Herc and Xena Fan Fic Index

There are no stories available at the moment as I just put this up but I'm hoping I can entice a few (well, a lot) of fan-fic writers and potential, fan-fic writers to write some stories and share them with this site. If not, I guess I'll have to write my own. ~lazy grumble~

I'd like to see stories that pair up different characters that -

A) wouldn't normally be together or
B) were together in the past but aren't anymore or
C) you know would make a great couple.

The two love/lust interests must be familiar characters from either Xena: The Warrior Princess or Hercules: The Legendary Journeys TV shows. The stories should be at least 2 pages in length, they can be any genre but must be heterosexual pairings, for now anyway. The stories can be housed on this site, your own or both. Just email me your story, finished or not and I'll put it up.

Some men to choose from: Apollo, Ares, Autolycus, Caesar, Cupid, Draco, Eli, Hades, Hercules, Iolaus, Iphicles, Joxer, Strife and Virgil.

Some women to choose from: Amarice, Aphrodite, Athena, Callisto, Discord, Ephiny, Eve, Gabrielle, Meg, Solari, Valesca and Xena.

Some Challenges

I'll write the summary, you write the story challenge:

Summary 1) Autolycus and Gabrielle get drunk together in a tavern one night.
Summary 2) Cupid spies his parents, Ares and Aphrodite, doing it one hot, lazy afternoon.
Summary 3) Joxer accidentally stumbles upon Athena bathing, what will happen to our favourite warrior wannabe?
Summary 4) Xena thinks about Caesar and his penchant for candlewax.

Isle of Hercules Xena & Gabrielle's Amazon Country Temple of Ares
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You may not like eachother but you will respect eachother
This page was last updated on 18th October 2001. Best viewed with Netscape, 800 x 600 and Verdana font. -- Dreamscope