Xena and Gabrielle's Amazon Country

Put your feet up and relax...

Welcome Xenites to the Amazon country belonging to everyone's fave gals Xena and Gabrielle. This is where both our heroes come to relax and have fun. Callisto, Ares, Joxer also feature and let's not forget the Amazons. This site isn't affiliated to any particular pairing and generally enjoys all the creative workings from the fans of the show.

I've just started a FanFic page, so take a look and see if you can write a response to one of the challenges already there. (20th Sep)

Re-opened my pictures galleries. Few pictures in each section. More will be added soon. (12th Oct)

Xena and Gabrielle. Two different women who lead extraordinary lives. In a time where women were considered inferior, these two proved otherwise. While most young village girls were expected to marry, look after the kids, home and menfolk; our two heroines were busy righting the wrongs, protecting the weak and having fun doing their own thing.

Xena, once a village girl in Amphipolis who wanted to be an adventurer during her youth. To travel everywhere and experience life with her younger brother, Lyceus by her side. But through a cruel twist of fate, she did travel to other lands, but it was without Lyceus and with rage in her heart. As Xena, Warrior Princess and Destroyer of Nations, she was feared amongst the people; conquering and raizing villages to quell her lust for revenge at her brother's death and raiding against her home. After ten years of devastation, she changed sides with a little help from Hercules and began to atone for her past sins.

Gabrielle, an aspiring bard from Poteidia was bored with her life in her small village. She craved excitement, adventure ... life. She wanted to get away from the village which was too small to contain her dreams of grandeur and fun. So when an opportunity presented itself, she wholeheartedly leapt at it. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Travelling with a reforming warlord was stuff legends were made of and Gabrielle wanted to be a part of it. Despite Xena's initial misgivings, she accepted the young woman as her travelling companion.

So a friendship was born from two unlikely women. Both remarkably different yet they complemented each other, like yin and yang. A warrior woman who could beat up men in her sleep and an amateur bard who could stir people with her words. Both escaping former lives, albeit for different reasons, helping and learning from each other in one way or another.

Journeying together

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This page was last updated 18th October 2001. Best viewed with Netscape, 800 x 600 and BakerSignet BT font. -- Dreamscope