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    The John Ford Web Page: The greatest John Ford website!
    Alfred Hitchcock - the Master of Suspense: Facts and Photos
    The Hitchcock Page: Basic stuff on Hitch
    Woody Allen: A guide to Woody's films
    The Cinema of Orson Welles: A good start for Orson fans
    Voyager: Orson Welles: Contains a good essay.
    Akira Kurosawa Database: Basic info on the great one
    Vincent Price Tribute: The genius of horror! Beautiful photos of original movie posters
    Federico Fellini Internet Fan Club: In English, Spanish, and Italian
    Fellini: A fan's personal look at five films
    Ingmar Bergman - The Magic Works of: Sweden's greatest artist
    Stanley Kubrick Multimedia Film Guide: Images, sounds, facts, fun stuff
    Stanley Kubrick: The Master Filmmaker: Images, facts, bio, etc.
    Steven Spielberg Tribute: A fan page - images, facts, etc.
    Scruffles' Spielberg Media page: Steven Spielberg - images, sound, bio etc.
    John Cassevetes: THE great independent filmmaker
    The Joel & Ethan Coen Page: The dynamic duo
    The Francis Ford Coppoloa Home Page: Info, images, and sound
    The Life of Kenneth Branagh: Bio, images, and sounds
    Bertolucci Core: Bio, essays, images on Bernardo Bertolucci

    PerformersYahoo's Actor and Actress list: links to performers
    Doug Stickney's Silver Screen Siren Website: images of legendary actresses
    Humphrey Bogart Tribute: Facts and photos
    Jimmy Stewart Hometown Museum: Hometown tribute with photos, facts, etc.
    People - Katherine Hepburn: Basic info from hometown paper tribute
    Audrey Hepburn: Belinda's tribute
    The Official Audrey Hepburn Website: A Swiss town's homage
    The Marx Brothers: everything Marx Brothers
    Tasha's Grace Kelly Page: a fan's tribute to her majesty
    Steve's Montgomery Clift Page: a fan's tribute
    John Wayne: all purpose web site for The Duke

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