The Nothing

O'Mally's Tabernacle Bar was an Irish American pub on Strontium's version of Broadway. Neatly situated in-between Blaylock's Bookshop and the wrestling ring, it was there that Moire decided to spend the evening.

She took a flyer from the kid dishing leaflets o utside. He had the leg end Brian emblazoned on his medallion. Particularly tacky she thought.

Thor Vs The Strontium Bomber

Tonite at 7.30

"How about it baby?" He said cockily.

"What is it with this city?" she cursed.

"My old man taking on the Bomber. Be a sight to see."

"No thanks. There's some dust I've got to get off the top of my TV. Where is your dad anyway?"

Brian looked around. "He's gone to see The Abyss again. Bit of a movie nut."

"Considerate of him. Getting his son to do all his publicity."

'Silky' screwed the A5 leaflet up and stuffed it in her pocket. She was building her defences for a night of crude chat-up lines from the drunks and the married men.

"See you around Silk," he called after her.

"Not unless I have my brain removed with a warm spoon you won't."

Smoke gushed from the gap in the door as she walked into the bar. As it cleared Moire could just about make her way to the bartender cleaning glasses.

Same old barkeep, same old single guys, she thought loosening her scarf. Same juke box and pool table. Same line of optics promising an intriguing array of headaches.

What Moire didn't expect to see was a familiar face.

Jade, an old college friend, sat at the other end of the bar reading a man's palm. Technically she was an old college friend but Moire just knew her from drama class. After a few minutes, the businessman made his move.

"Sorry Mister." Jade rejected him as he put his hand on her leg. Moire wandered over and sat down as the barfly Lothario went outside to watch the filming. She noticed he had one of those medallions too. 'Val' caught her eye before he left.

"Jade honey."

A look, a double take and a flash of recognition. The years melted away in a single minute. "So what you up to now?" Silky took a mouthful of beer followed by a nut chaser. "I'm a stripper." Jade smiled.

"No kidding?"

"It's good money honey," Jade grinned. "They don't get to touch. Not like in here . And I get to exploit them as much as they do me."

"Jeez I wouldn't be caught dead up there. Not with my cellulite."

Another offer from a couple of businessmen and they both said: No! in unison.

"So, what about you? What's your scene baby?"

"Work in a bookshop. Pays the rent and gives me enough space so I can get my novel written. I do a few things on the side."

"Such as?"

"Um, I write soft porn for women."

Jade laughed into her bottle.

"What a pair. Right couple of ravers aren't we?"

"So you married?"

"No." Moire snapped and then apologised for her curtness. "Nah. He went to New York, I went to Hell and back. I'm okay now though."

They drank more.

"Meredith somebody was filming outside. You know, that woman off the box?"

"Not exactly A-list is she?"

The barman brought over another couple of beers and filled the nut bowl.

"Do I detect a hint of bitterness in there somewhere?"

"Probably just jealousy. Everyone wants to be famous don't they? I did. Still do I guess. Although I don't know if it's fame as much as..."

"As much as what?"

"I dunno. Making a difference."

"Know what you mean honey."

Filling the space left by the black and white police car, an unmarked black van arrived. The lonely heart with the 'Val' medallion opened the door and got in the passenger seat. "What's the op?" he said.

The driver looked at him blankly.

"Boss wants to see you," replied the black-clad officer.

Before entering the van he looked around to see if anyone had noticed his startled expression. The truck gunned its engine and was away.

Both girls had promised to cut down on their socialising and drinking was certainly going to be put on hold. However, in the spirit of the moment they both thought to hell with it.

Jade and Moire both smoked five cigarettes and had three bottles of Bud between them as the night sped by.

A small division basketball team were making fools of themselves on the tube. Moire flicked peanuts at the screen and Jade laughed harder than she had in years. The Nothing 1 The Nothing 2 The Nothing 3 The Nothing 4 The Nothing 5 The Nothing 6The Nothing 7
