Random Beaver

Who the **** are these guys?
Coming Attractions
Our Movies
Internet Comics
Meet the toons, including our favorite Beaver!
Contact Information

Random Beaver
Random Beaver Productions

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12-8-00: UPDATE!!!
Hey Sreyan and Conan, Leon says hi! Yes, we still exist... how about you?

6-12-00: UPDATE!!!
It's the end of the year now, and it looks like were all splitting up. Though the Golden Days of RBP are long over, it was fun while it existed... I know I never updated the site since January (or was it December?) and I'm sorry that it will end forever.

I'll leave this site up as a souvenir of those 8th grade days. Look back at it one day, and you'll remember how stupid we all were.

Thanks again for visiting-
(RBP ex-predsident)

� � � � � Have you ever wondered who created classic movies such has The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, The Sword in the Stone, and other classics such as Fantasia? Well, that was Disney. Here at Random Beaver Productions (RBP,) we make memories that last forever and ever and ever...

Read Guestbook! | Sign Guestbook! | Go to the Web Form!

Please sign this book! The crew of RBP (especially me) would like to have your comments about anything on this page, from the comics, to movies, to plain old comments.

Ok, fine, it's not a beaver, it's a head on sticks. But don't ask how we came up with it. If you are dying to know, discover the secrets of production in the About Section.