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  • Born in 1957 in Ghana
  • went to Cambridge and then law school
  • auditioned for James Bond!
  • married Victoria Threlfall, an artist in 1985
  • has four daughters
  • lives in Sussex

Roles: Television

  • The Secret (2002)
  • an Uptown boy in Westlife's video for Comic Relief's Uptown Girl
  • Cold Feet (2000): David
  • Joking Apart
  • Red Dwarf: Tod Hunter

Roles: Film

  • The Wind in the Willows

Robert in requisite blue shirt


  • Admits to being "as useless as David is" with his own children
  • Favourite TV shows: The Office and Auf Weidersehen Pet
  • If he could live anywhere in the world, it would be Dorset
  • His favourite holiday destination is Morocco


The Gallery

Aww, look at the Cold Feet crew's first series hair!

Link to Robert and Hermione A Bathurst Between the Sheets anyone?