Big Brother Is Watching - Learn To Become Invisible

The Invisibles is a comic by Grant Morrison, who's also written Kill Your Boyfriend, among other things. Justice League (of?) America included, I think. The main focus has been on the Invisibles cell formed by King Mob (if Yul Brunner was still alive, he would be perfect for the part), Ragged Robin, Boy, Lord Fanny and Jack Frost. Other characters have included Jolly Roger, Elfayed, Mister Six, Marquis de Sade and a host of extraterrestrials and archons.
More substance and loads of quotes coming up when I find the time to type them down, for now there's 3 examples of what the comic looks like. Links will follow when I can update the ones I got, try checking if the ones at Links work or not, some didn't the last time I checked them, too much to update as I said. They've gone into hiding I fear.
Pics from the 2nd and 3rd volumes. Anarchy at large. Absolutely love Helga's grin at the end, by the way. ;)

King Mob and Ragged Robin discussing reality etc.

King Mob and Lord Fanny back in London

Mister Six and Helga

Comics index
