KEN-SAMA, aishiteru!!!!!

The Demonic OneKEN-SAMA, aishiteru!!!!!

Ahhhh, you made it!!!! AS I'VE MENTIONED BEFORE, Ruroken is undoubtedly my most favourite anime, ever!!!! Why, you ask? Well not only does it deal with one of my favourite topics (Japanese history), but there are enough sexy men in this show that can keep a girl happy for hours!!!! NOW I realize that a lot of you girls who are fans of this show find Ken-san irresistible when he is in his happy go lucky "big-eyed-girly" mode. Not this lady....suimasen ga if I've offended you, he's really adorable like that and all, but I find him so much sexier in his "kick-ass" mode. But then again, I am the girl in love with Battousai, so I guess that tells you what kind of men I like....short, dark and mysterious....ewwwww, I don't think so!!!!! Only in the anime universe, I guess, but as good as they are, I still don't have a thing for bishonen charas whose voices are played by girls....with the exception of Ken-sama, that is.

I am a very modest person at times, so I really don't want to refer to myself as a "Rurouni Kenshin" expert, BUT I do know quite a lot about the show, having read most of the manga (most recent vol.26) and seen all of the tv show as well as the first oav tape. Now remember folks, I buy the bootlegs, so this has cost me quite a bit of fundage. I've also seen the movie, and I must say that Gentatsu...whose seiyuu Nozomu Sakaki, incidentally plays kawaii Urameshi-chan from Yu*Yu...IS ONE RED-HOT BABE!!!! *Sigh* unfortunately a certain friend *cough* YjUe_nKnII doesn't think so, (boooo...) and has since given him the name: "Mushroom Head"...WAHHH.....HOW COULD YOU JENN!!!! Ahhhh, but them's the breaks, you can't always expect to have people agree with you.

Alllllrighty then, rather than just waste my time and write up ep. and manga summaries you can find on any Rurouken shrine, I'll just tell you a bit about the show, with my running commentary...of course^_^x!!! But first if you've never seen Rurouni Kenshin at all, you should get some sort of character intro. Well first up, the main charas are:

Himura Kenshin, a.k.a Hitokiri Battousai: (...or as my friend can't get enough of from the HECTO fansubs, "Bathow-sai") he's the sexy red-head with the cross-scar posted up all over this page. Basically he used to be a master assassin (Hitokiri) at the end of the Tokugawa era, (particularly as a member of the Choshu Ishin Shi Shi)but as soon as the Meiji era was established in 1868 he sought to change his ways, and changed back his name to "Kenshin". (He has three names: Shinta, his real name, Kenshin, given to him by his master, and Battousai, given to him by the Shi Shi, due to his mastery of Battou-jutsu-- a fighting techinque based on pulling the sword from its scabbard). He wants to atone for his sins, so he obtains this reverse blade called a "sakabatou" and at the start of the anime/manga, has been wandering around for 10 yrs. This 28 year old?s search for rediscovery reaches a turning point during the Kyoto/Shi-Shi-O storyline; however, he emerges emotionally stronger once he confronts his worst enemy.....his past.

Kamiya Kaoru: she's this 17 year old budo (Japanese sword arts) instructor, and the first person Kenshin meets when he arrives in Tokyo. After a doing her some classic hero service, she invites him to stay with her...or rather live off her. At first their feelings for each other are just mutual friendship, but later they develop the beginnings of a relationship (manga vol. 21), when they confess they never want to lose each other. Now just because he has confessed, doesn't mean he's planning to sport a gold ring anytime soon, but even if he does, I'll still say: KEN-SAMA, aishiteru!!!!!

Myojin Yahiko: he's this annoying 10 year old kid, who used to be a theif, until the Kenshin-gumi (then composed only of Kenshin and Kaoru) rescued him. Kaoru took in because she admired his courage and pride. He's her #1 student....errr...for the most part, her only student.

Sagara Sanosuke: of my friend's faves...(the one who has a thing for Tasuki's fangs)...this 19 year old started off as the gangster Zanza (he had this gigantic sword used for killing horses or something like that, called the Zanbatou) and he liked wearing the character for "Evil" on his back. He wanted to avenge the deaths of the Seki-Hou-Tai (Red Report Army *I think*) who were killed by the corrupt Meiji gov?t, including his boss Sagara, who was really hot. The young Sano grew up hating the Meiji Era, and basically anyone who was involved with Bakumatsu (the turmoil of the last years of the Tokugawa Era), such as Kenshin. He was defeated by Kenshin in battle, who made him realize the err of his ways, and start his life anew.

Takani Megumi: she came from a famous doctor family, but was coercied into making Opium by this gangster who also employed Shinomori Aoshi and a few wayward Oniwabanshu (more about them later). Only 22 years old, she had lost all will to live on account of all the pain and sorrow she had caused with the distribution of the drug as well as from the sexual advances from her employer. Sano and Kenshin convinced her that life was still worth living, and helped her get a job with that recurring doctor character, Dr Genzai *I think*. You know who I'm talking about, Ayame and Suzume's grandpa, the guy in the blue smock!!!

Hajime Saitou: Seiyuu Hirotaka Suzuoki (who plays Saitou) has one of the sexiest voices, ever!!! Incidentally he also played Ranma 1/2's resident thesbian Kuno, and Yakumo, the King of Meikai, in the 2nd Yu*Yu* movie. Based on the true historical person of the same name, Hajime Saitou was leader of the 3rd Troop Shin Sen Gumi during Bakumatsu, where he crossed swords with the infamous Battousai. Skilled and sometimes treacherous, he practiced the principle of Aku-Soku-Zan...Sin-Swift-Slay. After the Meiji Era, he got married, changed his name to Goro Fujiita, and became a police chief. At this time, he was about 35 years of age. He entered the first season seemingly as an antagonist, but he proved himself to be a useful, though suspicious ally.

Hiko Seijurou: this name is given to anyone who masters the Hiten-Mitsurugi-Ryu, the man in this case being Kenshin's master, Hiko Seijurou the 13th. He looks about late-twenties, but he's really 43. He found the young orphaned Kenshin (then known as Shinta) in a poor farming village, and took him away to be his pupil. This sake-drinking-mildly-abusive instructor makes his home in a mountain nearby Kyoto, where he sometimes makes pottery. Although he is not a main character, he is nonetheless important, and nonetheless quite sexy.

Shinomori Aoshi: if you haven't seen this guy's highly SEXY visage, you can check it out here. Only 25 years of age, I believe he became leader of the ninja clan Oniwabanshu at about 15. As I mentioned earlier, he and the Oniwabanshu, of which he was formerly the leader of (due to certain circumstances of the show, I don?t know if he still is) made their first appearance in the Megumi story-line. Unfortunately, due to his comrades? untimely deaths, he went just a tad bit wayward. (I?m being sarcastic here folks...) Okay, he went demented, but as usual, Kenshin made him see the error of his ways and want to start anew, yada, yada, yada....except in Aoshi?s case, his obsession to be the strongest, turned him into a murder, so at this point in the manga, he?s still slowly recovering. Hey, he went through an emotionally traumatic period, he has every right to slllloooowwwwlllly recover. Besides, he is MEGA-KAWAII and so I will make every excuse for his pathetic behaviour.

Makimachi Misao: my favourite female Ruroken chara....WEASEL GIRL TOTALLY ROCKS!!!! Like Aoshi, she too is a member of the Oniwabanshu, and assumed a temporary leadership during the Shi-Shi-O storyline. Apparently the debate is which one of them gets to resume leadership, her or Aoshi? Only 16, she is quite resourceful for her age, being a trained ninja and all. She loves Aoshi, and I think his feelings towards the matter are mutual; however, no wedding invitations have been sent out yet, so ladies, Aoshi is still single and available. Misao is a popular reacurring chara, as she has popped up time to time in the anime, even when the storyline stopped following the manga. Incidentally she is also involved in the manga storyline at present. She also has one of the best chara singles: "Ice Blue Eyes".

Other Perennial Favourties

Seta Soujiro: as Shishio's right hand man, this eternally smiling boy's world was shattered, when Kenshin brought his evil deeds to light. Coming from an abusive background, he had repressed all emotions execpt for happiness, and as such he did not know right from wrong. During his battle with Kenshin inside Shishio's fortress, Kenshin awakened his emotions, (coolest line: I was smiling that day, but inside I was really crying.), and he virtually snapped. He was defeated by Kenshin's "Amakakeru-Ryu-No-Hirameki", then set out on his own journey to rediscover himself. I think he's an awesome chara, and I hope there are plans to bring him back later in the show.

Usui Unouma: also one of the 10 swords, I thought he was cool because he had heightened senses due to his blinding. He was killed by Saitou, using a technique called "Gatotsu Type 0".

Kogoro Katsura: this character is also based on the a person of the same name. Also known as Takayoshi Kido, he is supposed to be the leader of the Ishin Shi Shi. Although he never appeared in the anime, he did make a cameo appearance in the movie. If you've never seen a pic. of him, try looking in manga vol. #19-21....he's soooo KAWAII!!!

Takatsuki Gentatsu: *ahhhhh soooo KAWAII* this chara appeared in the movie, and he was played by Sasaki Nozumu, the same guy who plays Yusuke. He was apparently supposed to have been an excellent hitokiri, like Kenshin, but he was killed by Battousai. *Sigh* what a shame.

Himura (Yukishiro)Tomoe: *SPOILER ALERT!!!* Kenshin's wife during Bakumatsu. She was killed by him when she had tried to protect him, and her dagger flew up, making the second part of his cross-scar. It's really an interesting tale, b/c he had killed her husband to be, who was responsible for making the first half. She did truly love him, and him her.

Suwa Misanagi: a Sanada ninja who allies with the German Black Knight Group, in order to retrieve this rare plant when Tsukayama Yutarou returns. The farthest I saw of her was ep. 84 so I can't say much more about her, but I think she is pretty cool.

Further Commentary on the Series

I just want to know when the hell the producers of this show are going to animate Kenshin's past. I think he is sooo sexy as Battousai, esp. when his hair is up in a high ponytail. Now, I think some of the directions the anime took were awesome, such as exploring the persecution of Christianity in the Shougo Amakusa storyline, but I'm a stickler for the original manga, and I think Nobuhiro Watsuki's storylines positively ROCK!!!! I LOVE that whole Tomoe/Kenshin soap-operatic thing. Just to go into a little more detail about how she died, she exposed herself to Kenshin and the Ishin Shi Shi, in order to avenge her fiance's death. Unfortunately, along the way, she had fallen in love with Kenshin, and as a result, she couldn't be responsible for his death. Intending to sacrifice herself for him, she went to his persecutors and told them a lie about his greatest weakness. These warriors employed a technique called Jinchu (an antonym of Tenchu) that slowly made Kenshin lose each of his senses as the battle progressed. Finally, when he was almost blinded, he had reached the last enemy, and struck blindly. Unfortunately, Tomoe had come in between him, as she thought he was going to die. HE ENDED UP SLICING HER UP TOO!!!! Yeah I know, it's kind of gross. Anyway, she died happily in his arms saying something like: "Don't cry, it's better this way..." Kenshin's like sobbing an d sceaming: "TOMO-O-O-EEEE!!!" Now the main point of all this was that her younger brother Enishi saw the whole thing, and as a result, 10yrs later, he sought his own JINCHU (revenge) for his sister's death. He's extremely twisted, but the Kenshin-gumi hopes that if he reads her diary, explaining how she felt about Kenshin, he will come to an understanding and stop his attack. A cool thing to mention, is that one of his warriors (Gein) was actually Iwanbou (the dumb guy) in the Shishio storyline. Apparently, Iwanbou was just a dummy (doll, puppet, not verb.) controlled by Gein.

OOOOH boooy, it's been a long time since I've updated this page. FYI (which I'm sure most of you are aware of) the first tape/dvd (whatever your forum is...) was released by Sony Japan in February. You can check out some really cool pics and stuff on their site through the Anime Turnpike under Rurouni Kenshin links. The soundtrack has also been released, and the next tape of OAVs is due to come out in April (that would be this month ^_____^x). Anyway, for more info, navigate the webring, or check out other sites on the turnpike. I'll try to put up some of the pics if I have any spare time, but finals are coming up really soon, so it's highly unlikely that will be anytime soon.

Other Forms of Kenshin Media

Now I've only played one of the two videogames (the RPG), and although I didn't know any characters of the Japanese language (at the time) I nonetheless got by just fine. I personally thought it was awesome, as you got to be an amnesiatic boy or girl stumbles into the Kenshin-gumi. It parallels the show, as the chara you play goes through a period of self-rediscovery. One thing I really like is these cool anime scenes using the proper seiyuus, that introduce the charas to one another, as well as show their reaction after winning a battle using a special move. There are also cameo appearances by charas such as Misao, and vocal sound effects are great, as each chara speaks during battle, a la Streetfighter. One thing to mention; however, is that the battle system differs from your standard RPG menu thingy, and employs this "ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS" mode of fighting. The charas are full size, and the battle is one on one, you just having to know what beats what, and startegize your moves in order to win. There are special moves, but even those can be countered. If you really want to cheese the game, you'll have to mega-build up your levels, because the higher your level is, the more you can read your opponent's moves.

Rurouni Kenshin music absolutely kicks ass. My favourite song "Heart-Of-Sword" is sung by my fave group TMR, (more about them in my music page), and even the instrumental music kicks ass too. I have six soundtracks:

  • RK SONGS: The Original Vocal Album
  • The Best Theme Collection
  • Rurouni Kenshin: The Director's Collection Soundtrack
  • The Theatrical Animation Soundtrack
  • RK SONGS 2: The Original Vocal Album
  • Original Oav Soundtrack

I love every single one of them, loving the song "Aiusuru Hito Mamoru Tameni" (#2 on songs 1)...and I know that there are a lot of people who think that it isn't that good, but goddamn it, I LOVE THAT SONG!!!! I'm not really into J-rock, well except for the group Luna Sea, so I don't really like some of the songs from the Best Theme Collection, but "Heart-Of-Sword" is on it (which I already had at the time) and "It's Gonna Rain" by Bonnie Pink. I was disappointed that "4th Ave. Cafe" wasn't there, what, they don't think it's good enough? But if you like basically any song that has ever been played on Rurouken, and you're looking for a cheaper way to come by them, this is your bag. The two instrumental soundtracks I have are two of the more somber ones, but they are still wicked, and I hig hly recomme nd them. I'll put up the lyrics for mo re songs in my music page, but for now, check out this package I found of such favourites as Sobakasu, Tears Know, Heart-Of-Sword, and It's Gonna Rain. All are in Romanji, followed by the English translations. I just got the second Rurouni Kenshin Vocal album, which was recently released by Son May. I believe it came out in Japan Summer '98. It's great!!! It's not really beaty like the first SONGS album, but Misao's "Ice Blue Eyes" is on it, as well as Soujiro's "Journey" and two versions of "Innocence". Also, for all you Gentatsu fans out there, YEP, he sings in this one. Personally I think his songs as Urameshi Yusuke from YYH are a little better, but this one's not too bad. I highly recommend this album, so if you got the fundage, BUY, BUY, BUY!!!!

Now as Rurouni Kenshin is author Nobuhiro Watsuki?s creation, it wouldn?t be fair not to mention him here, so if you have a craving to read up on him a little check out these profiles of him:

Once again, click HERE for the lyrics package of the "Rurouni Kenshin" songs I mentioned above.

For more Rurouni Kenshin info, check out my Sexy AniMALE Superstars page and my Vampire Chronicles Shrine, for this cool comparison b/w Kenshin and the Vampire Armand. There's also more "Kenshin" info (although somewhat dated) in both of my anime essays found on my index page.

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