Welcome to the Original FMM Alumni Webring. For those of you who are wondering what FMM is, it's the acronym of my former high school, Father Michael McGivney. So why create a webring? Well recently one of our former students created a mailing list/newsletter for all FMM alumni, and since many of these students had a homepage, I thought it might be fun to create a webring. So far, I only have the generic FMM school logo as the ring logo, but rest assured, we are working on more pics you can put on your page.
So how do you join the FMM Alumni Webring? Well for starters, you have to be a graduate of FMM (it is after called the FMM Alumni Webring) secondly, you have to have a webpage, and thirdly, you must insert the HTML coding with the logo on to your page. Don't know HTML, well after you fill out the form, you will automatically be given a sampling of the HTML coding through your e-mail (all you have to do is cut and paste). Just change all info so it corresponds to your own, and do make sure the Fmm logo is on it. THAT'S IT!! So if you meet all of these criteria, just fill out the form (under the "join" link), and let's have some fun!!!
The Original Fmm Webring
Here are a few ways you can display the logo on your page: (just change all info that corresponds with your site).
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