Oh Oh Oh It's Sarah McLachlan's page!!! Monica look, look, look!
Can't. I'm too busy listening to her CD "Surfacing".
We like Sarah because she's the organizer of the super awesome Lilith Fair concerts.
Too bad she's not stopping by anywhere I live. Sniff : ~ (
She writes her own songs. It makes her a cool plus.
I know all her songs. They are so good. Those Canadians are getting better and better.
Anyway, the bottom line is...she ROCKS!!!

The Magazine TEEN PEOPLE did an interview with Sarah in the August 1998 issue. Here it is:

TEEN PEOPLE:How will Lilith '98 be different?
Sarah McLachlan:It will be bigger and better in every way. One of the nicest things about the fact that Lilith was a success last year is that it has been a lot easier to get artists involved this time.
TP:Looking back, what would you say was the crowning achievement of the first Lilith Fair?
SM:Being able to give a dollar from every ticket sale in every city to a local women's shelter. We're hoping to give twice as much to charity this year.
TP:How do you select the local and unsigned bands that get to play on the Village Play?
SM:Levi's is a sponsor, and they're doing a lot of talent searches and open mike nights. It feels good to focus on the young artists who on their own could play in front of a hundred people-and get them up there in front of a couple of thousands.
TP:Is there anything you definitely won't be repeating from last year's tour?
SM:I won't be wearing platforms on stage anymore, that's for sure. I fell flat on my butt one night in front of 25,000 people in San Francisco. I thought, "I can die of embarrassment, or I can keep going." So I just kept singing, kicked my shoes as far away as i could and finished the show barefoot. Everybody clapped.

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