Oprah Winfrey

br> "Congratulations on winning your lifetime achievement award... I love you!"
Sam...mi? Who are you talking to?
I'm practicing... In case I ever meet her in person! ^_^
Do you really need to practice this sort of thing?
Yeah! Or I'll get tongue-tied!
If I know you, you'll be more starstruck than tongue-tied!
(Monica imitating Sammi) SKREECH!!!! OH, MY GOD!!! IT, IT, IT IT (Monica slaps herself)IT'S OPRAH!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure you're gonna do the same thing when you see Austin!
Where? Where? Sammi, stop that! Well, I know you'll act like that when you see Antonio, Will, Chris, Vince, Brian, etc!
Think what you will! I'm gonna practice now! Ahem! "Congratulations..."

Check out www.oprah.com

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