Disclaimer.. In no way am I trying to steal the trademark characters created by Victor Miller, Sam Raimi, and Wes Craven.. I merely am using the charasters as tools of storytelling.. In thus I proclaim to be the writer and owner of the dialogue, and scenarios that these characters are depictd in this script.. I have NO plans on making a profit from the use of these characters, without going through NEWLINE and other respective channels first.
At the moment this is a work in progress that I started at the beginning of this year.. You may recognise it as it has been on Richards Tribute to Freddy Krueger page, in the Freddy 8 screenplay collaboration.. I write this script as being a fan, who wants more than just wwf, wcw, nwo, go the biff FREDDY vs. JASON film. I write this as food for thought for fans, and writers a like.. You have my permission to download and read this script but not to sell it.. Kruegerists and Jasonites Unite!
-Shane P. Gavin (GORE boy)

A Nightmare on Friday the Thirteenth..

"Freddy knows when you've been sleeping.. Jason Knows when you're awake.."

Film opens with shots of a tour bus packed to the rim with tourist, travelling down a winding road, we see the bus drive passed and a caption on the side of it, "Bus of Blood".. The camera then tracks around to behind the bus and let's it ride further down the road, toward a lush green forest, however our attention is brought cliched-ly to a sign post that reads:

"CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE- Former home of Jason Voorhees".

A bird lands on the sign and poops it's daily load on "former"


Int- shot of the inside of the tour bus people, people start laughing as the female tour-guide puts on a hockey mask, and speaks eloquently, with a fake spooky voice.


This leg of our terror tour on the Bus of Blood takes us to, "Camp BLOOD", birth, death, rebirth, death and resting place of Jason Voorhees... He and his mother Pamela, have helped cut the population of this quiet place by One hundred and forty-one, give or take..

(A voice from the back of the bus) What about Ray Burns, he killed more in one sitting then Jason or his mother, your facts are all wrong, you need to subtract like 20 or so from your total to get the Voorhees total...

I didn't realize we had an expert on board.. Well Mr. Expert, did you notice how I said "helped cut the population..", if only you let me elaborate a little.

Sorry, it looks like I got a little ahead... It's just the place, it's inspirational...

If you're inspired by death, pain, torture, and survival...


The tour-guide continues to speak about Camp BLOOD, but the cameras move in close to ASH, the character from the Evil Dead Films, and sitting next to him a girl, with a nose ring, wearing black, shoulder length black hair with a flavored red streak, down the fringe.

Her name is EMMA.

CU of both as they become oblivious to what the tour-guide is talking about.



Good one Ash, just shout it...

I thought she was gonna misinform...

What's the difference? Jason and his mummy are still a bad bunch of mother fuckers.

(Cringe) Do you have to use that language, there's kids on the bus (there are kids)...


EXT- The bus grinds to a halt, at a campsite, cabins still distinguishable, but in a state of disrepair...

The DOOR of the bus swings open and the passengers disembark, Tour-guide first...

ASH and EMMA, are the last to get off and in Ash's hand, we see some expensive camera equipment, single lens.,He also has a mini tape recorder for dictating notes...

EMMA, has a stereoscopic camera, a new vogue style of camera, modeled on those of the late 1800's.


You now have fifteen minutes to look around this place, be careful around the buildings, cause if Jason don't kill ya', they will.


The group dispurses, and ASH and EMMA and the guide are left.. ASH approaches the guide.


Do you mind if you leave us out of the body count for the rest of the tour?

(Taking off mask, we notice the guide is none other then, Lisa Wilcox) Not at all, it would be good to get rid of you Mr Expert...

Hey trippy, you're Alice, aren't you?

One, two Freddy's coming for you...

Wow, I loved those films...

I'll leave you two to it then, I got places to take photos of, or I'll be published with out any piccys...

ASH wanders off into the background, snapping away

They're going to publish him?

He's pretty smart, S-smart. He's writing a book, on the Crystal Lake murders... The title at the at the moment is... "MOTIVELESS?" with a question mark, beside it.

This whole Jason thing just, scares the crap out of me. It's one thing to talk about him, but when it comes down to it.. The whole Voorhees thing is unknown. The Jason, "Entity", could pop up from anywhere at any time.


One problemo, with that though. (Pause for CU) Steven, and Jessica, sent him to hell...

Yeah, but did you see the footage on TV, with that guy from "AMERICAN CASEFILE", he was taken over, or possessed by Jason, he tore through that Police station like Arnie in the "Terminator". What was the name of that guy? Robert... something...

Robert Campbell. As for being possessed by Jason, well Ash is looking for a logical explanation, but Steven Freeman shot that Robert guy to hell, and he still managed to get up and kill again. It's Jason all over.

It'd explain why he never stays dead.

Enough of this talk... When are you doing the Freddy movie, and why are you working on a tour bus?

Wes, contacted me about it, two years ago but I haven't heard from him since... He said he wasn't feeling to good about making another, after what happened to Heather.

That psycho had seen Freddy to many times, a wannabe Freddy type fan. Giving horror a bad name.

Yeah the sicko nearly killed her, and this was just before they were going to start filming the next movie. The sicko, actually stole the glove from the set, killed her husband, and some of his co-workers. The most traumatic thing would have been the fact that no one believed her, the cops thought she'd seen her movies to many times.... She blamed it all on Wes... Which brings me to why I'm doing the tour... I guess you could say it's a favor for an old friend.

(The Tourist group starts heading back in... ready to leave)

(to Emma) I guess you better go and find Ash.

Wish I could talk to you some more..

We're both booked in at the same hotel, "FREEMAN'S LODGE." Run by you know whom.

Oh great, Ash will be thrilled... Catch up with you there later.

How are you gonna get there.

Taxi. (Pulling out mobile phone) Personal security system... Don't go to a graveyard with out it.

Okay everyone back on the bus..!!!


EMMA starts walking away from LISA toward ASH, who is taking photo's of the lake, the camera shoves a CU of Ash, who looks to be in awe of this great expanse, in the background we see EMMA, approaching, and LISA loading up the bus, and the bus driving off, as ASH takes a couple more snaps of the water..


So this is where Jason drowned..

(Jumps out of his skin) Don't sneak up on me... you know my past.


At this point we notice that Ash's {chainsaw} hand is artificial


Anyway, it's allegedly drowned, the body was never found, and no one saw it happen... For all we know, he just walked into those woods (pointing), and something that happened out there changed his life and the lives of one hundred or more families... That lost members because of his various rampages.


INT- Police station- The same station as in part IX. Watching TV are Two cops. SIMMONDS, and MINER. AMERICAN CASE FILE comes on the Television. The Station is at half light.


I can't stand this it gives me the creeps.

You're a cop... And this scares you. This show helped us get Jason.

By sacrificing an anchor.

Speak of the devil.

Our station is famous.

Completely focus on the TV... anchor Victoria Miller, Vicky..

This black Friday the Thirteenth marks the fifth (sixth) anniversary of my predecessor, Robert Campbell, (constant flashes of news footage, and security camera in the police station flash across the screen about Robert) an anchor literally possessed, by the fiend he tried to capture.. Tonight we bring you an hour-long look at the name Voorhees and the fear it strikes into the heart and soul of ordinary American Citizens. With an interview, with Jason's father... Elias.. We commence our hour-long special with, his peculiar words of warning, unedited, like he wanted it... We at American CASEFILE have been known to pay dearly for interviews, but Elias spoke to us freely, so we thought it only just for us not to edit his speech.


The TV flashes and rumbles as the word ELIAS tumbles across the screen, then in black and white, we see Elias a 70-80 year old man surrounded in a cloud of cigarette smoke, as he talks, we cross cut from Elias in the studio, to ASH and EMMA at the Campsite.. articulating Jason's speech.


When we use the term son, in which case you could use this to fathom the relationship between Jason and me... But a father in the traditional sense to him, I am not. For several years my first wife, Pamela and I tried to have a son, but never, did we conceive. There was a problem with Pam's eggs. They could not be hatched. At first they thought it was me but after testing. And the living proof from my second wife Debra after giving birth to my first and only natural child, Diana, who unfortunately has since left our lines of communication.

Anyhow Pamela and I worked hard as Chef's of a sort at the Lake, serving kids, as if they were our own. Until one night after work Pam came in with a brown package. And said to me, "Do you want a son, or a daughter. This book I got today can help me not only have a baby, but define its sex." I said a son would be great. We didn't talk much after that night as a matter of fact I didn't see her for another three weeks. When I did see her, she started getting the early morning sickness... We went to a doctor to find out what was wrong... She was pregnant... Which was great, but not, the baby could not have been mine. I was angry. I left her by herself, with the Bastard that she carried inside her. That was back in 1946.

I heard a few years later threw newspaper and various other media about the drowning of a boy, my alleged son... The year was 1957... I went to my X-wifes aid but not until 1958, sure we weren't married but I felt I owed her the company at a time like that. That's when I saw Jason for the first time, and he was very much alive... It was in the house, he had an oddly shaped book in his hand, with old hand written pages inside and he was reciting something to Pam. Her head was in her hands, she then looked up, her eyes rolled back into her head, and then refocussed... It was one of the freakiest things I ever had seen... Then Jason said a couple of words to Pam, as if they were instructions, "Kill them Mummy, Kill them...", Pam's reply was even more eerie, "I will Jason... I will.."... Needless to say, you know what happened in 1958, the killing started.

I got out of there quick smart, my wife was dabbling with some black magic, that I, with my strictest Christian upbringing could not handle.

Did Pamela light the fires at Crystal Lake, 1958-61?

I believe that Pam, would have done anything Jason instructed her to do.

Poison the water as well?

Yes, poison the water as well, in 1962. And then June 13, 19** (I guess 1980), she went and started killing again in the name of Jason, even Alice in Her statement mentioned the reference to Jason.

Is Jason still out there?

Like Creighton Duke said, he gets reborn, but that's because he doesn't die, he gathers power from his book you see... A persuasive power, that gives him the ability to possess people, however his possession of a family member, like Pam is stronger than his possession of someone unrelated, and he needs a new body quicker as the old one dies out... Burns, was Pamela's Maiden name, Roy was her brother. Roy Burns did not act on his own accord, it was Jason. A Voorhees body is like a natural resource for Jason, he can be his gruesome self in that outfit, which's why I plead with people to check your family history. If you're related to me you're related to him... And he is still out there.

Can you tell me any more, about the book?

I know little. There are three in existence. One of them is with Jason. The other is. Well this is hard to say, because, so many people would find what I have told you so far hard to swallow. But the other is in the possession of a good friend of mine. He's a film director by the name of, Wes Craven.

Of a Nightmare on Elm Street fame?

He used the book, in a different way to Pam. He used it for inspiration, for Freddy (I know Wes got inspiration for Freddy from Newspaper articles, this is just a script, but ya never know.). But you see, little did he know that Freddy Kruegger already existed, before celluloid. This long gap between sequels is angering the force from his book, and it lashed out already, in thirst for a story.

Are we talking about Heather?

Yes Heather, was attacked. The Freddy created by Wes is becoming real, because, it has not been kept within the unreal. The films and the TV series were all made to try and keep Freddy under control. But the funding stopped, and people's taste in movies changed, and Freddy became less profitable. So now he grows strong, within our world.

This is hard to swallow... You talk about a power, these three books have... Hypothetically what would happen, if the three books come together?

No one will know it has happened, as life as we know it will cease to exist, our memories will be wiped, and we will start, again as naked homosapiens, living in caves surrounded by technologies we have no idea how to make work. The books are "Egyptian Books of the dead"... When two of these books came together, cover to cover, The secret of the pyramids was created. If two of these books came together at Crystal lake, we would all no matter how many times we went there, would feel like we were going there for the first time.

Is there any way to stop this happening?

They are getting closer and closer together as we speak.. But there is a way to stop it.


Whereever there's a Voorhees; there's a way.

Lastly, Where is the third book?

I sadly report that I don't know.


At Crystal Lake we See, ASH and EMMA getting set up for a camera shoot, ASH is holding the Book, They are standing outside the Voorhees house.


Thankyou for your time...

Thank you for humoring an old man.


TV turns off


INT- police station


What did you do that for?

It was starting to freak me out.


EXT- Outside the VOORHEES PLACE, ASH is still standing looking at EMMA, his face changes to a silent looking scream, as we see a (I was thinking chrome but it takes away 7 movies) white hockey mask appear in the shadows behind EMMA.


EMMA'S agility gets her away from the Stocky Hodder Jason. ASH and EMMA start running down the road away from Jason, ASH pulls out a torch. EMMA the mobile, she phones the Police.



Hello Crystal Lake Police.... What... oh yeah that's a good one... If Santa Claus is there with him can you ask him to bring me a raise for christmas.. (MINER hangs up).

Another Victim


EXT- Lake RD. and Running are ASH and EMMA

Oh fuck of fuck.. They didn't believe me.. They think we're loony..

What...Give me the phone..

They won't believe you..

Just give it to me. (still running EMMA gives ASH the phone, ASH dials a number.) Hello, Yellow Cab..... Two people, we're currently jogging down lake road, we just passed the Myers place, we're on our way to The "Freeman's LODGE" can you arrange a pick up.. Name ASH.. Okay thanks a lot.. Yes, we have money... Bye..

What did they say?

They'll send a cab within 5 minutes..

Some things you just can always rely on...

Jason rising from the dead, the police not believing you and the fact that one-minute in Taxi talk will be at least 10 minutes.


We're gonna make it to the lodge, and we won't be out of pocket..

Just breath..

17th of February Continuation...

EXT: The Lodge.. Establishing shot.. Sun has set.. The moon is in its last quarter a whisp of cloud covers it.. The LODGE is A 3 storey building Comfortably fitting 8 rooms on each of the floors.


INT: The Lodge Foyer.. Lisa Wilcox is at the counter.. The Tourists are in a straddled bunch behind her.. most watching a near by TV that is fixed to the wall.. It is the CASEFILE special on Voorhees..

The Lodge Foyer is set with a very comfortable array of couches..

A very noticable sign hangs on the entrance wall it reads "Not Quite Hollywood."...

The walls are log in appearance but are more likely only that way in appearance.. White chips give away the fact that the walls are merely painted plaster..

Lisa rings the COUNTER bell.. There is a stirring in the an adjoining room..


(Off screen) I will be there in a minute..


The Focus turns to the television.. The reporter is interviewing Tommy Jarvis.. The interview is during the day.. The shots on the television revert back and forth from the reporter to Tommy. They are walking along the banks of Crystal Lake during the Day..


Does this bring back any memories for you??


It brings back the pain. I've lost my mother to this lake.. I lost my sanity to it for a while as well..


What brought you back here that night you escaped from the hospital??


The doctors call it 'closure'.. But Jason was what brought me back here.. You need to understand that I was 10 when I killed Jason.. That kind of thing can really mess you up.. To make life and death decisions at that age effected me in a way that I can't express.. Then someone tried copy catting him.. Like he was some kind of a hero.. Which he isn't, Jason is the only antagonist to ever grace my life..

But you want to know why I went and dug up Jason's body? I did it becasue I didn't think it was over... I needed to see him dead... I needed to know he was not ever gonna come back.. I needed to know that... I needed to know that he was never gonna to ever return.. But when I opened up the coffin and saw his rotting corpse.. The first thing that went through my mind was, 'relief'.. Jason was still there.. He couldn't hurt any one.. (giving in).. so I took my frusturations out on him.. so what.. My plan was to cremate the body.. But then it happened.. A lightning strike jumpstarted Jason's black heart.. Lightning straight from hell.. Jason was up.. He killed Allen before he'd gotten use to the thought of being alive again..


Rumors abounded that you in fact went to the cemtary that night with the express purpose of reviving Jason, with some bizarre form of Black-magic..


You reporters are scum.. you know that.. If Megan heard what you just said she'd slap you.. I've lost my mother and Father in-law to that Beast.. In all sanity.. Do you really think that I would do something like that??


You were institutionalized at that time..


That's it, this interview is officially over..


TOMMY walks away from the bank to a near by car where his wife MEGAN (Sheriff Garris's daughter) is waiting.. She cries out from the car..


What's the matter honey..


Start the car Meg.. I've gotta get out of this place..


I told you it was a bad idea..


TOMMY gets in the car and it motors off....


INT: The LODGE "The room behind the counter." The Bell rings again... STEVEN FREEMAN is seated on a chair watching CASEFILE.. JESSICA walks in..


I wish you would turn that off..


I might learn something..


My uncle isn't coming back.. remember.. we killed him..


Conspiracy theories aside.. We need to know about it.. We're the Jason slayers here.. we killed that sucker.. If he comes back..


He's in hell..


We saw him go under ground.. If hell was underground we'd found it by now.. He's still around waiting.. Shining up the hockey mask.. Hoping for the right moment to return from the grave..


Well I can't hang around here with you waiting for Uncle all day (with humor).. Save the ACT for the tourists who happen to be out the front..


Well I better get the knife..




INT: LODGE Foyer.. JESSICA walks up to the counter..


Hey Jessica.. These are the folks who are dying to stay in Crystal lake on Friday the 13th.. Contest winners.. and part time sinners.. Anyhow.... You can take it from here.. I got to go lie down.. that couch looks nice....


The TOUR_GROUP is made up of 12 people..

A mother MRS. CRAFT and her 12 year old son SAM..

A Newlywed couple.. WILLIAM and JUDY McCLAINE..

Four 18-19 year olds paired off in the following way.. CAMERON and SIMONE, JACOB and MERYL..

There is a couple of Newspaper Journos.. JOANNE a photographer and REBECCA the writer..

The rest of the tour is made up of JONATHON a well read and researched Police officer on holiday..

And BARRY an accountant lookig for excitement..

JONATHON steps up to the counter first..


So where is the knife??


STEVEN on cue: runs from the back room knife held in the air.. HOCKEY MASK and Grey OVERALLS.. He lunges at JESSICA.. She lets out a fake scream.. Members of the tour look ill at what is happening right before their eyes "JASON HAS COME HOME" ..

Barry takes a deep breath..

Mrs. Craft covers her sons eyes, while sam tries his hardest to get a view of what is going on in front of him..

Cameron and Jacob look at each other than instinctively know what they have to do.. They both JUMP the counter and wrestle STEVEN off JESSICA believing him to be JASON..


Guys.. Thankyou..

(lifting off mask in total shock) That's the first time anyone has ever tried that before.. I usually scare the crap out the tour... must be loosing it..


You evil bastard.. But it was a RUSH..


You got that right..


(To STEVEN) Is that the knife..

Yes.. The ground spat it back up.. We've marked the spot where he went down.. Lisa must have shown you it when you were at the Vorhees place.


No she didn't..


Well I'm sure we can arrange another trip up to there in the morning... But folks there is nothing to fear.. But if you are for any reason scared in the night.. By Jason.. there is alarm by each bed that you can use.. Hired security will be at your command in seconds.. The security is me..


I just did a head count are there more to come..??


There are two more from my tour to come..

We're booked in for seventeen..


Who are the other two???


It's a Camp Crystal Lake surprise..

Febraury 23 1999 update


CUT TO: EXT LAKE RD.. We are tracking with ASH and EMMA who are still running.. a little bit more worse for where..


Now I know how James Bond feels..


Bond would be figuring out a way to kick Jason's ass..


Well.. Okay.. next time we find a stick on the side of the road we pick it up and go after him..


Have you got a shot gun on you??


I only carry them when I travel to alternate dimensions..


(laughing it off...) I though you had a Bond analogy forthcoming there for a while..


Well both me and Bond have death following them around.. Only difference is that my dead are walking or running after me...


The Camera is dollied between them and continues back to an intersection, where a CAB enters shot.. It turns toward the Voorhees place.. Away from ASH and EMMA.. CAB Drvier pulls up when he see's a figure approaching.. It is JASON..


Hey fella... Are you the one that wants to go to the LODGE??


JASON approaches the drivers side of the car.. places the left hand on top of the car.. Then bends down so that the CABBIE see's his mask..


Oh Shit.. not tonight you don't..


The CABBIE slams on the accelarator.. But before the car has a chance to move anywhere.. JASON has pushed it over with his left hand.. It rest now.. with the passenger side on the ground.. The Back wheels are spinning accelarator driven as the CABBIE tries in earnest to escape..)

POV- from the CABBIE.. the CABBIE is restrained in a seatbelt.. JASON walks around to the hood of the car.. he looks as though he is contemplating how to get the CABBIE out.. The CABBIE sees all of this with JASON standing on the ground and him at 90 degree angle.. So Jason appears to be standing on the side of the screen.. Then is a swift action JASON lunges forward with the RIGHT hand.. And grabs the CABBIE who begins SCREAMING BLUE MURDER until he dies.)


EXT- Lake Rd.. TAXI standing on the Passenger side..

JASON has hold of the CABBIE.. With a swift JERK.. he pulls the CABBIE out of his seat belt.. which snaps under the pressure..

The Seatbelt has cut into the CABBIE.. and the CABBIE is begining to loose loads of blood..

JASON holds the CABBIE in the air... Takes him around to the still rotating Back tyres.. Just as he is about RAM the CABBIE's head into them.. The CABBIE dies and the screaming stops... JASON drops the body.. looks at the car perhaps wishing he could drive..

Then looks at his main goal ASH and EMMA.. they have a Book.. that he wants.. He begins his lathargic walk again toward the LODGE..


The 2nd of March 1999 (continuation)


EXT: Lake Rd/ Freemans St intersection..

A white late model cadillac pulls up at the intersection, the boot opens up..

A figure walks around to the back we see the designer sneakers and jeans that are worn also seen is the bottom of a yellow jacket with blue trim..

A road sign is taken out of the back of the caddy.. It reads "ELM ST." the sign is tossed on the ground..

A spanner set and small step ladder are also taken out of the boot..

The FIGURE places the step ladder at the base of the sign intersection sign, ascends and shortly after a sign that reads "FREEMANS ST." flutters to the ground.

The FIGURE descends and his wirey hand grasps the ELM ST. sign..


INT: Freemans LODGE still in the FOYER.

Is it possible for us to put our things in to our rooms yet?


Certainly.. Steven will help you with your gear.. Won't you Steven??

Steven is still preocuppied with the CRYSTAL LAKE special on Case file..


Steven.. I'll turn it off altogether if it stops you doing your duty..


Sorry mum (sarcasm express).. You pass out the key's I'll help Mrs?


Craft, Judy Craft..


Mrs. Craft up to her room.. Do you want me to carry that up as well (pointing to SAM).


I can handle myself.


Didn't say you couldn't.. I could handle myslef at your age as well..


(laughing).. handle.. oh.. (recieving key) room 13.. Hos apt.. Come on Meryl..


Wanna swap for a 14??


Fight you for it..


To the death??


It's only a room.. They're both in Crystal Lake.. They both have the same fear factor.. Room 4.. is what I get.. Some countries class 4 as a haunted nuber and omit it from the registry..


Some eastern countries..


We were kidding man..


Steven and the Crafts exit to rooms on the ground floor.. While the TEEN couples go to their rooms on the 2nd floor..


I knew they were joking.. (To Jessica)


You need a sense of humor to live in this place. Even if for a night.. It's there way of dealing with it.


Was anyone ever killed in this place?


It was only built about10 months ago.. Give us time.. (smiling) You're in room 20 top floor..


The sound of a computer games starts blasting from the room behind the counter.. Sounds of gun fire and screams of peril.. As a Nintendo bandit saves the world again..


Sorry about the noise.. My she loves her games... Turn it down a little bit.. (To her son)


BARRY and JONATHON leave to there rooms.. Barry downstairs.. JONATHON upstairs..


Once you are settled dinner should be ready..


Is it okay if we ask you some questions now. Or do you want to set aside a time for later..


How about at the dinner table.. You two are on the 3rd floor room 22.. Dinners not far away.. Wait for the bell..



The Cadillac puls up out the front.. The FIGURE ushers a second person out of th car.. much older.. much more fragile..

They both walk toward the door. A gust of wind blows leaves in around them.. Clouds are coming in.. The whole area becomes a little more bleak.. COLD is the word fo the CUNNINGHAM COUNTY (the location of Crystal Lake).. Like winter had come.. And it was perilously close to the point at which hell freezes over.



Jessica is writing some notes into the desk logbook.. The bang and scream of the nintendo is heard behind her..

The Front door swings open.. It is WES CRAVEN, he is having trouble holding up a fragile Elias Voorhees.

Elias seems to be even weaker than he was in his television interview.

JESSICA looks up and immediately recognizes her grandfather..


Grandpa.. I'm so glad you made it..It's great to be surrounded by family on a day like today..


JESSICA runs to her grandfather and gives him a bug hug..


Child... It's been too long.. I'm afraid that I'm not the last guest to arrive tonight..


We have enough room for a couple more..


I wouldn't make any special arrangements for thesse two.


Why not..

Your uncle...


EXT: Lake Rd.. JASON VOORHEES is power walking up the road.. We pan around to his back and implanted in his FLESH is the NECRONOMICON.

ELIAS cont..
My son..





Pop, Jason isn't coming back..


Somebody bought him back.. We checked the place where he went down at Pamela's house..


The monument marking the spot had been torn out of the ground...


Steven walks down the staris..


Who is the second guest..


Hey Pop.. Wes..

The second one is in my head..


Are we talking about a sequel to SHOCKER???

Jason is coming... Freddy is here...


I'll just get the cookies and milk.. Because Santa Claus is coming..


I think they are serious..


We got the knife we'll be alright..


You will need more than that..


You'll have to tell the guests..

Lisa enters from the back room..


I thought I recognized that voice..

Lisa.. glad you made it..


Why so glum..


Freddy's here, Jason's coming..


We can't let the guests know.. they have to think it is all a set up..


Wes is this why you got me this job..



I could die.. I'm just going to go now..


Freddy will follow you..




It's been a long time between sequels.. Newline have been to busy making comic book films to make a freddy film.. Freddy is restless.. He has to be seen, he has to kill.. If simulation isn't gonna happend then he'll do it for real.. Freddy is a demon.. I found him in this book.. (The necronomicon).. I based his character on this demon.. The homage and sacrifice of filmmakers made him happy and he granted me some directorial fame.. But I haven't made a Freddy film in a while.. And now he's getting a little agitated.. I needed to give him another story.. But the scripts I was getting were not good enough.. Not for todays audience.. So now Freddy has left celluloid again..


So he did go after Heather..


We were actually working on a new Freddy TV series.. But the concept took to long to produce.. Freddy needed a forum..


EXT: LAKE RD/ FREEMANS ST. (ELM ST.) intersection.. The Freemans sign is lying on the grouns still.


(reaching the sign resting hand on it.) This should be the turn..


(smiling) Lisa must have changed the sign as a joke..


I just wanna get inside for a cup of JOE.. It just got cold in a hurry..


I'm beginning to wish I wore a bra..


I don't know.. IT kind of fits in with the pattern on your shirt..


I'm leaving nothing to the imagination am I..


Enough catching our breasts.. Breath.. I mean Breath.. Lets get a move on before the hockey goalie catches up.


ASH and EMMA start their jog up toward the LODGE another half mile away..



JASON is still striding full steam ahead.. His chromed hockey mask glistens.. Snow begins falling.. small flakes around the place.. JASON seems to slow down in acknowledgement of the snow.. We capture the glimpse of a ROSEBUD childhood moment in Jason's dead eyes.. Is it possible that there was any happiness in Jason's life.. Or had he always been a demon..





ASH and EMMA are feeling the effects of the snow still running toward the LODGE it is visible in the distance..

Here take my coat.. It'll warm you up..


How Galant of you..


I was worried you might take someones eye out when we got to the LODGE..





You could not have picked a better night for it.. (singing white xmas) I'm dreaming of a white massacre...


Steven shut up with your sarcasm.. (apologizing) It's his way of dealing with what he's afraid of..


I'm not afraid..


The DOORs to the LODGE burst open STEVEN lets out a scared yelp.. It's only ASH and EMMA...


(imitating Steven) I'm not afraid..


Who's being sarcastic now..


(dusting off snow) Jason's coming..


We know..


Oh Elias did you spoil the surpirse.. I wanted to be the first to tell them..


(seein Wes) Wes.. I've seen every single one of your films.. I love the Freddy films..


Well your just in time..



Freddy's here..


Smoke start belowing from the ktichen behind the counter.. Son of JESSICA screams..


Mum.. Dinner is ready.. (He than sounds the bell and the guests start coming downstairs..)


JESSICA goes to get things.. organized. STEVEN although in crisis mode goes to a near by wall an pulls out a table that is concealed with in it.. And from draws beside the table he starts to set it. ELIAS goes to a near by couch and sits down..


Be a good boy.. And help your father with setting the table..


I just gotta pause this..



ELIAS closes his eyes..


Not a good time to sleep right now.. Here have some more NO DOZE.


ELIAS takes the pills.. It doesn't completely reanimate him.. But he seems a little more aware of his surroundings..

The Teens walk down the stairs a little way behind the rest..


Is that who I think it is..


I think it is... Have you got your autograph book..


I'll just get him to sign however he would like to...


I got a pen.. But I don't think he'll be able to hold it..


ELIAS has been scanning the conversation with a percuiliar interest..He has risen to his feet and been guided to his seat by STEVEN.. JESSICA begins dishing out a delightfull meal..


He'll be able to sign..


ELIAS is begining to eat his meal.. Believing the conversation to be able Wes..


I love his films.. I have all them on tape..


The first one was the best..


Here goes nothing.. (CLOSER to the table pen and pad in Hand).. MR. Krueger.. Can I please have your autograph..


ELIAS looks up from his meal.. TERROR filling his eyes.. At the head of the table Wes Craven is not sitting.. Instead it's the Directors creation Freddy sits at the TABLE his leaned over an oversized TURKEY that he had been carving with his fingers.. His attention turns to MERYL..




You be quite and wait your turn.. There is plenty of me to go around..


MERYL drops pen and pad, then holds out her arm.. Freddy drags his razored fingers gently across the underside of her arm.. Making sure not to cut too deep.. Merely to cut the flesh..And leave a signature.... Freddy turns his attention to ELIAS.

Everyone else in the dream fades out including MERYL... ELIAS is now fully in Freddy's dream.. He has lost control of it.. He is totally at Freddy's mercy.. He can only hope that he withstands what Freddy can dish out..


OUT OF DREAM room 13 Bedroom int: The dinner Bell is ringing.. Jacob walks into the bedroom MERYL is asleep.. JACOB nudges her. She slowly awakes.


Sweet dreams??



Wanna talk about it?


(noticing four scratch marks on her arm) Maybe later..




Well I'm famished.. Lets move straight on to dessert.. Honey, can you bring the ICE SCREAM..


There is a rumble from behind the LODGE's counter.. A gust of wind and ice.. Then Pamela Voorhees enters HEADLESS, well she has her head in some way. It is frozen on a silver platter..

She walks toward the table and places the unsavoury meal in front of ELIAS.. The Dead eyes meet with ELIAS's eyes..


Pam I'm sorry..


The FROZEN HEAD rotates around and starts to thaw out.. The JAW begins to move.. PAM is about to talk again..


You left me Eli.. Would you like to take me back.. I'm a little shorter now.. But I'm still pretty..


ELIAS look turns to bitter disgust..


Pam you traded me in for black magic.. I'm only sorry that I couldn't stop you.. You were pretty once..


(haunting wisp breezy voice) Kill him Freddy.. KILL HIM!!!!!


ELIAS looks up he is no longer in the LODGE.. the room he is in is totally black.. He sees light creeping in through a cracks around the outside of the a door.

ELIAS walks towards door cautiously.. He opens it.. A freezing chill runs over his body.. He is at Crystal lake..

JASON as a child is in the centre of the LAKE frozen half in, half out. AS if it were a frozen frame from when JASON's cries for help were not heard that day he drowned at Crystal Lake..




The full moon reflects off the frozen statue of JASON in the middle of the LAKE.. The sound of knives through ice, similar to that of ICE SKATES can be heard all around.. along with PAM's haunting words..

FEAR takes hold of ELIAS. He starts running away from the lake and the eerie sounds of the knives..


Don't let him get away.. Kill Him!!!





Wake up pop.


Everyone is seated at the table excepting ELIAS.. WES is the first to notice..


Elias.. He's asleep..




SHIT.. I mean.. I cook and cook and bang they fall asleep without even touching their food..


(slapping elias) Wake up!! get up..


ELIAS si puffing and panting ext of dream.. As if out of breath.




Elias is running through a forest the frozen trees have frequent resemblances and reminders of the haunted past this aged man has had.. NONE of the memories are HAPPY.. Pamela's voice is still echoing in through the trees...


Get him Freddy.. KILL HIM!!!


ELIAS makes his way to a clearing.. The Voorhees place stand in front of him.. In front of the house where a monument used to be is A HUGE HOLE in the snow barrels down to infinite.. A RED GLOW rises from it.. The small amount of time that ELIAS has spent scoping the area has been enough time for FREDDY to catch up.. The sound of his razor hand scraping along the icy trees is heard..


Don't let him get away.. Kill him Freddy.. KILL HIM!!!


ELIAS stands at the base of the HOLE looks down it.. He is weighing up whether he should jump down the hole.. He takes a Breath and JUMPS..

He is caught mid air by a flame tanned hand.. Belonging to FREDDY... Freddy raises ELIAS higher into the air.


You don't get to go down there until I'm through with you..

ELIAS's hands grasp at his throat. Trying in vain to free himself..



REALITY: WES is still trying to wake ELIAS.. It is of no USE.. ELIAS raises into the air.. grasping at his throat..


That's it I'm going in...


WES steadies himself into his seat.. Closes his eyes.. And drifts off to sleep..

ELIAS is up higher in the air.. A trickle of blood is staarting to drip from the corner of his mouth..




ELIAS is still high in the air..

FREDDY draws back with his bladed hand.. his eyes reden as we see the last glimpses of life from the POV of ELIAS.. We see the glint of the blade.. Then FREDDY strikes.. His bladed hand flies through the air ready to starve Elias's body of life, upon arriving at the flesh FREDDY merely cuts off a Button..

ELIAS goes into Cardiac Arrest..


Har hah Har Ha Har Ha.. (continues a belly aching evil laugh)





ELIAS is in mid air and in Cardiac Arrest.. The dinner party stand around him not knowing what to do..


This and Jason. I'll never say theory is worse than practical ever again..


Sam, I think it would be better if you didn't see this..


But mum it's all part of it.. There's strings keeping him up in the air like that..





ELIAS dies in the hands of FREDDY.. FREDDY drops him down the HOLE..




ELIAS falls down on the couch..JESSICA goes to his aid immediately.. Tries to revive him..

ELIAS bursts into flames, Jessica jumps back in terror..




Freddy looks down the HOLE.. A rumble comes from within it it.. And a Ball of FLAME flies out of it..




REALITY: Back in the LODGE.

Wes Crave has fallen asleep very easily.


(To Wes) You didn't make it in time..





Freddy is looking over the hole still.. He turns to see WES..


Wesley.. Long time no movie..







The Front door splinters and JASON VOORHEES stands.. LIVING DEATH AT THE DOORWAY..




Cool.. the guys at school'll be so jealous..



INT: THE LODGE (continued)

JACOB, MERYL, CAMERON and SIMONE rise from the table. They turn toward JASON, who stands 7 strides away from him.

PAN behind the four teens revealing JASON standing in the splinters that were the front door.

The FOUR teens simultaneously drop to there knees, as if to say prayer. JASON's head bows down to meet there eyes..




FREDDY stands over the hole then drops.. Wes is left alone. in his dream. FREDDY has fled..




STEVEN has risen form the chair and is looking over the teens.


What the hell are you doing??


He doesn't usually attack a bunch this big..


Steven get the knife.


I want these kids off their knees and out to the bus..


The roads will have been snowed in.


More gusts of snow fly through the doorway.. JASON stands.. glancing over his future victims.. STEVEN has an on-the-toes stance ready to both strike and run.


Get photos of this..


Sam I don't think this is a set up.


I can't reach for my camera right now..


I think this is beginning to look like a real bad idea.


He'll have to go through be first.


Bill don't do anything stupid..


Steven get the knife..


Honey can you get it.. I just don't want to upset your uncle unless we can restrain..


You'll never restrain him..


Mummy can I go back to my game now..


Sure honey.. (Trying to keep calm) Jonathon.. Can you make sure everyone get into the room behind the counter.. Some body please carry Wes?


Barry give me a hand with Wes.. Everyone you heard Jessica.. This is not a drill..


Resemblances of sanity scrapping from the faces of the guests.. As they each realise that this is not a set up.. Not some party game constructed to add to their 1000 dollar board and breakfast.

Yet the four teens, CAMERON, SIMONE, JACOB and MERYL remain on their knees facing JASON..

The majority run to the back room. The Door closes behind them.. STEVEN, JESSICA and the TEENS remain.

The door to the backroom opens and JONATHON throws the knife to JESSICA, she catches it and it morphs in her hand.


This is no joke kids.. GET IN THE BACK ROOM NOW!!!!


We're not going anywhere.


MERYL's face turns up toward STEVEN. Pure evil now shoruds this once evil face.




FLASH BACK: Earlier that day.

You now have fifteen minutes to look around this place, be careful around the buildings, cause if Jason don't kill ya', they will.


The Tour.. The FOUR TEENS disembark.. Soon loose themselves within the CAMP SITE.. They then break away and run toward the Voorhees house which is undoubtably within running distance..

They reach the plaque that covers the spot where JASON went down..

CAMERON removes a copy of the NECRONOMICON from hie bag, and places it on the plaque.

The FOUR teens then neal at each corner of the book..

They hold hands.

The bow their heads.

Then silence. The camera dollies around them, and focuses on SIMONE, head lifts up, her eyes opens.


It's not working


The others raise their heads.


It'll happen.


Did you all wish him back..


I'm sure we all did.


The ground starts rumbling..


(offscreen in distance) Okay everyone back on the bus!!!






FURTHER PLOT IDEAS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
* We find out Craven got Lisa the job as tour guide, and that Freddy, is now haunting Wes and Elias..
* When Lisa Falls asleep, Freddy starts too stalks she is tapped on the shoulder in her dream by WES, who wakes her in real life.
* Cravens dreams are far more complex, SCREAM cross over ROGER JASCKSON and Robert Englund references. Wes is very scared to go to sleep, like in a mad scientist plot he fears his own creation.

* Most of the action takes place in the LODGE, a Three level building, with an attic, and basement.. On a street called ELM.. The dream sequences are something to elaborate on. I won't go into detail until I've really thought about it.. It took a fair bit of effort to nut out this far on an original F13 concept.

* Elias falls asleep and into his final slumber.. Wes knowing this gets Lisa to go in after ELIAS, to find out how to stop it for all time.
* ELIAS, is killed by drowning or some other symbolic way, Lisa is too late.
* During this Jason gets through and starts killing off Tourists..
* ASH and EMMA notice that some of the dead victims of Jason are in fact coming back to life evil dead style..
* ASH remembers the simple way to stop it, and he throws the book into the fire and the Evil Dead go away.
* Wes tries the same, but this just pisses FREDDY off.. "You already tried burning me Wes.. Don't you remember."
* ASH talks to STEVE and JESS about away to get to JASON.. Then they remember "Kill Them...".. AND think if they reverse that and say "Don't Kill them.." something good will come of it..
* By this time the Fire brigade have called in the National Guard and all forms of the media have arrived.
* They get rid of Jason temporarily. While he body SKIPS, and people stop trusting each other, in that divide and conquer type way.. Like "The Thing.".
* This makes people take Sleep Shifts, to keep Freddy at bay.. Freddy gets a little frustrated and instead of going after the main cast looks outside the LODGE where the National guard are, one in a state of slumber, he track him down and fire him out of a tank cannon at the lodge.. severely damaging the ground floor making it not structurally sound.
* Wes pinpoints a weakness.. The loss of total control is out of character.. And he deduces that because he is the writer director of FREDDY, that to stop FREDDY killing he must rewrite the first movie.. He writes it directly into the book of the dead, he writes of Freddy's mum Amanda, and how she leaves the sisterhood to marry the man of her dreams, They have a son, they call Freddy, and win the lottery on the day he is born.. Hence forward.. Freddy's evil side slowly dies, and what is left instead of nightmare on Elm St.. Is a "A Day Dream on Elm St." A series that enables people to play out there wildest Rich $ fantasises.
* JESS and STEVE, start chanting, "Don't kill.." into the last remaining book of the dead.. And we find out who the possessed by JASON person is.. It is EMMA, she got Possessed (least known character) she falls to the ground the Red demon falls out of her mouth, and she melts into the ground.. Thus ending the Saga.. until someone can try and sequalize that


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