Attic Expeditions


 11th of November 99

 Alice Cooper (Freddy's Dad, the guy that wrote a song about Dwight Frye, a legend) will be in "Attic Expeditions". (HO)
 10th of November 1999.

Attic Expeditions is set now for a Halloween 2000 release according to Horror Online. The film starring Seth Green was ranted about at the begining of the year when the film used "The Blair Witch Project" in the Meta-name keywords (only available when looking at source code, seen by spiders from search engines) for the official site in the hope of getting extra hits. Guess what Blair Witch is still there in the meta-tag.. Haha.. somethings never change.. Actually.. I'm just going to post the Keywords because they are so funny.. for this film.. You'll pee yourself.. Really.. I'm not saying that the film will be bad, but they are really going all out to get traffice from search engines.. I think I'm going to make this my meta-tag one day.. Get ready to read it.. PARENTAL ADVISORY>> SOME EVIL WORDS ARE CONTAINED WITHIN.
"1999, 3-d, acid, aleister, crowley, alex, constantine, allison, hannigan, altar, altered, states, andras, jones, angel, heart, art, house, austin, powers, avi, babylon, 5, baltimore, bauhaus, sam, rami, evil, bava, beth, bates, billy, friedken, black, blair, witch, project, blood, body, brain, brazil, buffy, vampire, slayer, can't, buy, me, carrie, fisher, cartpenter, cemetary, man, ceremony, charmed, cherry, falls, cinematography, clive, barker, coma, comics, conjure, conspiracy, crew, cronenberg, cry, baby, cult, curse, demon, dan, griffiths, daniel, gold, dario, argento, darkness, david, boreanaz, lynch, dead, death, deep, space, nine, design, devil, digital, doctor, ek, doom, dream, drew, barrymore, dungeons, dragons, dynamic, emerson, college, enemy, state, ethan, embry, evil, exorcist, experiment, faculty, family, guy, fangoria, fantasy, film, genre, george, romero, ghost, gore, gothic, guts, hairspray, halfway, halloween, haunted, house , hellraiser, helter, skelter, henenlotter, herchell, gordon, lewis, illusion, high, hitchcock, hollywood, horror, hotel, new, hampshire, i, still, know, what, you, did, last, summer, idle, hands, illuminati, independent, inner, sanctum, insane, insanity, institutionalize, it, jacob, ladder, jamie, kennedy, jeffrey, combs, jennifer, hewitt, jeremy, kasten, larry, cohen, jerry, hauck, ken, russell, kevin, williamson, kill, knights, templar, la, legion, lobotomy, love, .45, mondo, lsd, macabre, madness, magic, magick, marajuana, marilyn, manson, matrix, meet, feebles, megadeth, melissa, balin, mental, hospital, mephisto, mike, myers, mind, control, fuck, mist, mk-ultra, monster, movie, mtv, murder, mystical, naked, nancy, wolfe, night, nightmare, on, elm, street, nine, inch, nails, nude, occult, original, pagan, paranoia, parker, patient, pentagram, people, under, stairs, peter, blatty, jackson, piercings, posession, poster, pot, previous, production, psycho, pump, up, volume, puppet, quicktime, radio, days, rape, real, video, reanimator, renny, harlin, robert, anton, wilson, rogan, russell, marshall, roger, corman, sacrificial, salem, rong, sarah, michelle, geller, satan, scary, schizophrenia, science, fiction, scream, screenplay, secret, societies, seth, green, sex, shannon, hart, cleary, crow, shock, sisters, mercy, skin , skull, special, effects, spell, spirit, spy, shagged, stanley, kubrick, star, trek, star, wars, 23, stephen, king, stoney, brook, stuart, gordon, studio, supernatural, surgery, surprise, suspiria, tattoo, teen, age, terror, terry, gilliam, the, attic, expeditions, thriller, tobe, hooper, trailer, trent, reznor, trevor, blackburn, tse, fly, twelve, monkeys, twin, peaks, urban, legends, voodoo, wash, weed, wendy, robie, wes, craven, william, castle, witchcraft, wizard, oz, warlock, woody, allen, worship, x-files, owsley, hofmann, hunter, white, sidney, gottlieb, ewan, cameron, hyde, lovecraft, thomas, ligotti, ramsey, campbell, yellow, poe, edgar, 93, 418, 666, 777, jess, franco, soavi, michele, rollin, browning, tod, slaughter, sephiroth, azathoth, ashtoreth, meir, zarchi, robert, rodriguez, quentin, tarantino, sam, raimi, caballah, cabalah, kabbalah, kaballah, cabala, illusion"

For all of those who do a little bit of web design.. Note the inclusion of some of the words I have highlighted.. They ar goodies, ot just plain absurb..


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