Cold Hearts


 October 99

 "COLD HEARTS" screened at the Atlatic City Film Festival and this is what the poster looked like.. Pretty darn cool. The video release of this film has yet again be delayed.. I do not know why they have not just thrown caution to the wind and released this at the cinema.??

  29th of April 1999

 According to Darkhorizons "Cold Hearts" (eternity's a bitch) one of this years vampire flicks is getting rave reviews. Those who have kind of been following the progress of this film will know it is about having a thing for vampires and than really becoming one. Especially with Tom Savini advising on the FX! The official site so you may want to hop along and check it out. From the mind of Robert Angelo Masciantonio, his passing physical resemblance to Kevin Smith (Clerks) is also shown in his spoof "Jerks" of that cult film. Darkhorizons is reporting that Robert is working on "That Spooky Place" little details are known of this film. If anyone has some they'd like to pass on.. Please do as I hear Robert is throwing the ideas around a bit. The Cabinet of Dr. Casey has put up an interview with the new writer/director. It explains how the Movie was originally a trilogy "Fangs" and how Robert has written a script for "Lost Boys 2", it also has info on his other script "Gargoyles" go to the above link for this insightful interview.

Robert Angelo Masciantonio

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