Darker Saints



 4th of December 1999.

Just when you thought that they couldn't make another film about a Hollywood Heroin chasing down a Serial Killer.. Holyywood blindsides us.. I guess this thing started way back with Silence of the Lambs.. And when one film does well.. You can churn out as many of them as you like as long as they have a star in it.. Well this one is going to be called "Darker Saints" and will star and be produced by Pop-Rock sensation Courtney Love ( note I say pop-rock, because that whole latest album just reeked of Hollywood <not grunge>look at me I'm pretty give me a movie deal, because I said you suck, kiss me and I'll make it all better. And Hollywood replied yes Courtney, where?? Hey HOLE were good live when I saw them this year, but I didn't stay for the WHOLE set.) (HO)

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