End of Days


24th of November 99

Gabriel Byrne has said the following about his role as the devil in END OF DAYS. , "In End of Days what I'm really playing is the devil who's saying, ‘I'm not the bad guy here, I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do.’Determined not to be too heavy about the film, though, Byrne dismisses the project saying, "It's just a movie at the end of the day… It's not an examination of the nature of good and evil. It's a shoot-'em-up.". This quote comes from Cinsecape Online. (CSO)
16th of November 99

"End of Days" has also been filmed in the old Spruce Goose Hangars. Info has come to light on the reshoot of the ending of the film. The reason fro the reshoot was due to concerns form religious leaders.. AS per usually the end of this Arnie film was All FULL of ARTILLERY and MORTARS and EXPLOSIONS.. Religiois leaders wanted it chaged to (Highlight the next section with your mouse if you want to know) Now, the new ending will be "spectacular and spiritual. The message is about peace and faith." I know what ending I would have preferred.. (CSO)
October 99

 "END OF DAYS" there is a fair bit of information on this big old motion picture since the page has been dormant. Pictures, posters and a few new trailers.. The film is set to release on November 24 in the USA. Gabriel Byrne is Satan looking for his bride in this film, as Satan often does in Ascention type films.


This Trailer is 1min 40 secs long and the last 3rd has the chorus to "GNR's" Oh My GOD!!.

End of Days Trailer 1.7 meg (mov)

End of Days Trailer 3.7 meg (mov)

24th of September 99

End of Days" pictures have popped up at Cinescape. (CSO) Cinescape also reports that the ending is being reshot with the possibility of a new fate for Jericho. Cinescape also posted a very good plot outline. The film, which is scheduled to hit theaters on November 24th, tells the story of an ex-cop, Jericho Cane (played by Schwarzenegger) who finds himself pulled into a web of supernatural intrigue when he discovers that the fate of mankind rests with the safety of a woman who is pursued by the ultimate evil. Confronted by a villain who he cannot defeat with conventional methods, Jericho desperately searches for a way to prevail, but to do so, he must regain faith in himself and overcome the tragic loss of his family. (CSO)


22nd and 23rd of September 99

"End of Days" official site has put out the MTV trailer in a better format.. Get it here. it is a 1.3 meg download. (DH) Also new pictures turned up on CSO.

According to DH there is another "End of Days" trailer in the wings.. And from the word heard on it. It could be quite freaky. The trailer is set to hit cinemas in the next few weeks. (DH)

15th of September 99

"End of Days" is getting a bit of a reshoot.. This may cause a bit of a delay in the release of the film. (DH)
13th of September 99

End of Days.. Well it happened at the MTV awards in the US.. During the adverts a new trailer popped out.. Check it out at BlueThunderMovies.. Or download the 2.05meg right now at Blue Thunder.. Be warned it is in demand and it will be long one to download.
9th of September 99

End of Days, well it is no secret that Guns'n'Roses are doing a song for the film. Hear it first on MTV's Music Awards (US TIME) 8 pm Thursday in the form of a End of Days promo.. On Australian MTV it is not known if the clip will be shown, but the Awards will be at 7.30pm Friday night. The song is called "Oh my God". The other music on the film soundtrack will include the latest range of soundtrack bands, and a few new bankable sounds: Limp Bizkit, Creed, Rob Zombie, Everlast, Powerman 5000, Orgy and possibly Korn. (DH)
2nd of September 99

 End of Days, not only the name of the new film from Arnie.. But possibly the name of the revival song from supergroup "Guns'n'Roses" who are rumored to be providing their debut single from their new album in the promotion of the movie. The Gunners have of course used there music to promote Arnie films in the past. So this might not just be a rumor. (DH)
23rd of August 99

Harry Knowles is calling "End of Days" Arnie's best work since T2. Big call. The film looks a lot like the recently video release of Dolph Lundergren called "The Minion". Well that is what I guess from the preview I have seen.. Based on the appreciation the film could hit screens prior to December. (DH)

 12th of July 99


New "End of Days" picture and poster appeared on Darkhorizons.

 9th of June

More pic's from End of Days have appeared in the form of teaser posters. (DH)

8th of June 1999

A poster for "End of Days" has appeared on Darkhorizons. I think you'll agree it is different from the majority of horror posters that have been around lately. It asks us to "Prepare for the End.. When the thousand years are expired..." (DH)

22nd of May 99

"End of Days" the huge universal feature has announced an unofficial budget of 100-120 million dollars.. With Arnie getting 25 million.. The Advertising campaign will be targeted at Horror Fans and it will be a 30 million dollar advert campaign. (DH)
 19th of May 99

 "End of Days" some one that works at Universal has leaked some publicity to Darkhorizons saying that the film looks to be pretty freaky and after seeing some of Stan Winstons creature for the film it could clearly rival any effect Stan has done previous. Well it is trailer of the week still.
 7th of May 1999.

Arnie is back and he's taking on the Big Man "DOWNSTAIRS" in "End of Days".. The Webpage is open and the teaser trailer is out now.. I will be rreviewing it next week so keep your eye out for it.. The Official site is www.end-of-days.com.. November 24th is the release date.. And this looks to be a rival to se7en in style and a film that will combine elements on "The Omen" and "First Power".. The trailer is one of the best I have seen.. It starts with the word FEAR.. and intertwines the devils number 666... Turns it upside down to get 999.. throws a one in front to get.. 1999.. The clip shows some satanic looking rituals, and a very slow moving Arnie. Finishing with the line "You know who I am.. You're just to afraid to believe..".. Arnie does not talk during the trailer.. mainly flicks the torch over blood and the like..


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