


 17th of August 1999.

Hansen has been working on a script called "Icebound" which he is hoping to get produced, so far he has gotten to this point. "Gary and I have pitched that to a number of places, and we had some good responses where it was taken to the studio and we had a couple of meetings. But we've not been able to sell it yet. I talked to Gary a couple of weeks ago, and he's got Bob Kurtzman, who directed Wishmaster and wants to direct it. He's got four or five more producers he wants to mention it to, so we're hopeful. The complaint with it was that it wasn't a teen horror film, it's a real horror film. It has adults in it." (CSO) Hansen is also working on a script parody of the TCM series. It also is said to spoof the F13 series of films. It is about some kids that go investigate the TCM story and well in Hansens words, They're convinced that this really happened, and they go out to these places to make their little documentary film on video, and they're gonna uncover some unknown factoid that's going to lead to the capture of the killers. After all, The Cook and Leatherface were never caught. And that's going to make them famous; that's their motivation. Of course, the irony of the story is there really was a massacre, and they do meet the real family, and the family is really pissed because this movie was made without consulting them. So not only is it inaccurate, but they never even got paid!". Of course TCM is based on FOOEY, so don;t anyone email me stating otherwise. This if it gets off the ground could be the first film to blatantly rip off "The Final Broadcast" and "TBWP". Maybe a subgenre can spring out of the TBWP, we'll call it the SHOCKUMENTARY for the moment. Until someone comes up with a better name

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