The Night of the Headless Horseman






 25th of May 1999

"The Night of The Headless Horseman" is a small screen adaption of the Washington Irving classic "Sleepy Hollow".. It will air on TV prior to the release of Tim Burton's "Sleep Hollow" according to (CSO) . "The Night of.." will be a CG animated version of the same story. This is not the first time this has happened. Remember before Godzilla was released in the US, Gargantua was made (on the Gold Coast-Australia) and screened the night before Godzilla hit the big screen. How about that film Tornado with Bruce Campbell that screened around the release of Twister. Well here is where the industry comes along ans says well Twister and Godzilla have had big opening weekends, this might not be a coincidence.. It's like that coincidence that see's a actor retire from the big screen to see how much the public loves them on the Big Screen.. Than they get lured back by the BIGGER BUCKS or retract their statements when no one really cares.

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