

17th of September 99

 Pictures of "Roswell" the TV series have popped up in EON MAGAZINE.. The one below is the main picture of the very human like Alien cast. (DH)

Info has also turned up on CSO about the character played by William Sadler (Disturbing Behavior, Demon Knight).. In the same interview by Eon, Producer David Nutter said the following.
"I mean, the place that [Sadler’s character is] coming from… his entire belief system is going to be, I think, turned on its head slowly as he collects the pieces of the puzzle. My guess is that finally we'll see some sort of sea changes in his attitude. He's very single-minded and determined to get to the bottom of this mystery at the beginning, because of his father's being chastised for believing in aliens and so on. And all of a sudden, it's happening to him."

Series producer David Nutter adds, "Our goal is not to make William Sadler the ‘black hat.’ Our goal is to give him another dimension and a sense of purpose and a sense that he needs to find the truth as well as these kids need to find the truth about their paths. And I think that journey can be an exciting one and I think a compelling, fulfilling one for him as well."

4th of September 99

 Jason Katims, the series creator of "Roswell" has said the following unstable remarks about the show. "I’m totally winging it. I have no idea [where the mythology will go]. It’s day by day, you know."

Then, Katims adds, "We’ve plotted out the first season of the show. We have ideas of where it’s going and where it’s going beyond that. So we have thought a lot about the mythology and all that stuff. To me, one of the exciting things about the premise of this show is that the three alien characters in the show don’t know about their history which makes it exciting from a writing point of view because as they discover their back story, the audience is discovering it." Seems that the show is being played by EAR. (CSO)

7th of August 99

"Roswell" will begin at 9pm on the 6th of October (after Felicity). (CSO)
24th of July 99

Co-exec producer DAVID NUTTER speaks out about "Roswell", "First, what’s most important is to start with both feet on the ground. You’ve got to start somewhere believable. There are things in the pilot that have a wonderful believability about them, that stood out in that way. Those are things we really strive for. Another thing we have to strive for is not what we are going to do, but what are we not going to do. What are the traps we’re going to avoid? This is a show were we’re right on that thin razor line, where if we went too far in some directions, you’d lose an audience. We didn’t play to the lowest common denominator. We’re going with what’s fun, but what’s smart.". Well it sounds like to me this is a cover up for a show that could be silly. (CSO)
 27th of May 1999

 Colin Hanks, 19 yo son of Tom Hanks will take a regular role in the upcoming "Roswell" Tv series. William Sadler will take the adult role of the sheriff of Roswell. The series is based on the book by Melinda Metz. The series will start with a waitress (Shiri Appleby) is shot and an alie being in human form (Jason Behr- who happens to be a student at the school) comes in and heals her. The authorities turn up at the town to investigate this miracle, and find the alien. That is the series in a nut shell.. (CSO)
 13th of May 1999

 Fox television has dropped the "Roswell High" TV series.. But the concept has been picked up in the US by the WB network and will be going under the title "Roswell".. As talked about in March the "Roswell" High series is about a high school near the famous alleged UFO crash site. The series surrounds the life of students some of whom are ET's. The series will air after the teen show "Dawson's Creek" so I guess that'll be the targeted audience.

Copyright , 1998-2000.