The Bone Collector (1999)



HORROR: The Bone Collector

REVIEWER: Shane Gavin




Someone must have thought Denzel Washington needed a rest, he spends most of this film rested up in bed whilst Anjelina Jolie walks around carrying out his commands kind of in a robotic way.

Directed by an Australian so I should hold back, but I found myslef bored outta my mind with the poor relationships the characters had with each other. If you want a crime investigation saga, sit down and watch a few episodes of Profiler or Millennium. The relationships seems to have not even been attempted by Noyce. The film although based on a book, has an eeried resemblance to a real life serial killer (suspected taxi driver) that is still stalking the streets in Perth. So on one hand it is more than a little creepy for people. The killer however is no Travis Bickle.

The Killers motive was built up in such a way that you just wished that you could get your money back. The film impressed me about as much as a mirror impresses Vampire. The film kept me on edge at no point. The first Taxi abduction carried with it about as much fear as accidently stepping on a pea and squishing.

There are great serial killer thrillers and than there are lemons. This one is definately a lemon that was well cast so as to make its money back. If this is what Australian directors do when they go to Hollywood I'm glad that abandon us.

The film throughout is moody and the Sewer/ Steam scene is brilliant in its bubbling gore, but I'm sure I would have switched channels if it were on TV.



Copyright , 1998-2000.
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(C) 1998-99 Shane Gavin HFA.