Carrie 2: The Rage (1999)




HORROR: Carrie 2: The Rage

REVIEWER: Shane Gavin



I found myself very disappointed with the pacing of this film The director Katt could not figure out whether or not to direct the film as like DePalma would have or use a unique style. Katt Shea's style (think Shea, think, "Poison Ivy came out only at the very end of this film. She appears as Assistant DA in the middle of the film and perhaps chose the role for the message that it contained, who knows? (the whole Statutory Rape thing). Shea is maybe better known for being a Scream Queen before becoming a director. Remember her in Psycho 3? She also was the flag girl in the original Cannon Ball Run film. But she put away her visual assets and started her life behind the camera as a cinematographer on "Devastator". The film itself is written by Rafael Moreu (Hackers).

The film as a standalone picture steals a lot of its narrative from "SHAME" and Australian film which was remade in the USA as "A Case of SHAME". The film revolves around the suicide of a girl who is nothing but a couple of points in a football teams sex-score book. In SHAME the girl was raped, in this film she was used and abused, MENTALLY RAPED. The protagonist/antagonist in this film RACHEL (who's natural father is also Carrie White's father- thus the link), is best friends with the tragic Lisa (Mena Suvari)who commits suicide.

The film than takes a similar route to the original Carrie. The narrative has changed, the fanatically religious mother is in Arkham Asylum and the Rachel (Emily Bergl: 24 y.o. English Broadway actor in a debut film performance) is in the hands of a foster family that is interested in the 300 bucks a week they get for looking after her.

But than Rachel meets Jesse (Jason London: Dazed and Confused, Blood Ties). The only solid casting in this film would be of the STAR CROSSED lovers. The other cast members must have been the next 20 people through the door because none of them could really act like the jerks that they are supposed to be.

I used a Shakespeare quote so you may guess where the film is going.. But the real EDGE this film has is the displays of alienation and student massacres. Something that has since been discouraged by heads of state in the US, since the incident in Columbine. But this film was made and released prior to that. This is the first of the 2 school yard killing flicks for the year. The other "Idle Hands" was released unfortunately at the same week as the massacre and flunked at the Box Office and has since had its official site removed. The film in basicallity, tries to prevent, than condones/ empathizes and finally regrets schoolyard massacres. This parallels with some commercial news networks, pre-dating this film.

Yet Carrie 2 never seemed to make the same impact in conversation. The reason is simple. Nobody saw it. The result was one of MGM/UA's worst quarters in history and the sacking of CEO Frank Mancuso (formerly Paramount), who could not spark up the MGM 75th as he did the Paramount 75th in the 80s.

The dialogue was more befitting an 80s film and the only line I might take with me is "Cleptoed it!". But I doubt I'll ever use it in its intended context.

I'm still baffled by the title. It should have been called RACHEL (as Carrie only appeared in FLASHBACKS). The inclusion of a character from the original (Amy Irving) did not advance the plot it just made the story a little to easy to follow and essentially was the cause for a lot of under-developed characters (even for a horror film).

The DVD promises to have a couple of alternate endings.. But I would say the VERY FINAL 15 seconds make this film worth watching. It is perhaps the most dark and morbid thing I have seen on the screen in a Hollywood film years. If you make it to the end of this film. You will have an image that will haunt your memory.

Keep an eye out for the blatant Donald Duck Scream Spoof.




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(C) 1998-99 Shane Gavin HFA.