Ice Station Erebus / Sometimes They Come Back.. For More (1999)



HORROR: Ice Station Erebus / Sometimes They Come Back.. For More

REVIEWER: Shane Gavin




As a film it could standalone.. There are no Greasy haired Chevy driving leather jacket wearing 50s zombies in this film. The film is about Demons and a satanic rising plot underneath the Ice in Antarctica.


A bunch of Straight to video talent and familiar TV faces litter the screen. Chase Masterson from DS9 and General Hospital, DamianChapa from Menedez, Faith Ford better known as Corky from Murphy Brown, Max Perlich from Men with Guns, and the STAR of the show Clayton Rohner from the much anticipated TV series GvsE also in "The Relic". I mention the cast thoroughly because it is on them that the film focuses.. Not the special Effects but instead Daniel Zelik Berk the director has focused our attention on the characters.. Why are we to care about them.. That is a question that I constantly asked myself while watching the film. Than it dawned on me the characters were being built down so that the dismantling of each of them in final 15 minutes would be both entertaining although clichedly pickable.


Adam Grossman (Carnival of Souls) and Darryl Sollerh tackle the story based on characters created by Stephen King. Who will be smiling at all the cheques he is getting while recovering in hospital Now he has over 50 films based on his books (A $@#$ LOAD). This year alone, a CINEMA release (The Green Mile), A Mini Series (Storm of the Century), TV (Rose Madder) and Video this film Next year will see the controversial remake of his book "The Body" originally made into the film "Stand By Me" , the film will be called "Stud City".. And I just know I'm gonna hate it.. But as for this film and the King in the title I can not see how it relates to "Sometimes They Come Back". As it is the 3rd in the film series.. I guess that was just a selling point of the film.. Hence B.



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(C) 1998-99 Shane Gavin HFA.