The Minion (1999)



HORROR: The Minion

REVIEWER: Shane Gavin




Arnie is not the only action hero to go face to face with some wicked Satan ascention this year. Dolph Lundgren also had a stab at it.

The film is set around the final days of 1999 and Satan has popped up in New York ready to set the world on FIRE. Unless Lukas (Dolph Lundgren) can find some way to stop him. The film takes us through a short crash course in Christianity followed by an introduction to a knighthood that have one goal in life, and that is to keep some crummy door closed. They have a bit of trouble doing this but LUKAS in the end has to help them by finding his own faith.

The film is a a bit of a Globe trotter even though it essentially begins in the same old, same old New York. You could call this film the poor mans "End of Days" but at 12 million it is small budget Hollywood but not exactly small in comparison to a small budget.

The film is directed by Jean Marc-Piche and contains enought gun toting violence and Dolph panting to keep the video renting person happy. The films fun comes in the way you try to work out how Dolph gets from one side of the world to the other just in time. I guess sometimes you have to accept that a film sometimes will do, before thinking and just hope the audience is just watching this with Beer and Pizza not an Active Eye.

The film may be best as a 2 dollar week rent.. But it works well as the second in a 2 for 1 deal overnight wise.



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(C) 1998-99 Shane Gavin HFA.