Razor Blade Smile (1999)



HORROR: Razor Blade Smile

REVIEWER: Shane Gavin




The B movie of the year and deserving of more accolades. Again it is a combination of things that make this, THE BEST, British film I have seen in the last 20 years. You can't put it down to the directorial brilliance of Jake West, or his writing or his editing. OR the amazing performance of Eileen Daly as Lillith Silver. The thing that makes this film so great.. It is a page turner on the face of British Horror. It is a fresh angle on an old Vampiric.


The film was given and award by the British Independent Film Award for best achievement in Production.. The film lures the audience in deeper and deeper to a semi-complex plot and story and just when you think you have picked the films ending.. SNAP.. West takes it away from you and bring a Brilliant clarity to the rest of the film.


The other thing that this film has on its side is the sequences where "The Goth Scene" are made fun of. Not parodied like in Bride of Chucky, but a total negging of the subculture in through the eyes of one of their cultural icons. Lillith Silver will be the cause of many feminist film debates and the reconstruction of the feminine. But in the end all you can say is that the film is great regardless of the criticisms from those unfamiliar with stylized schlock horror.


The similarities to James Bond in the title sequence are by no means a mistake. West has seen England as the style capital of the world in the past and has tried to recapture that in the opening credits of the film. The film went on to win at www.b-movie.com 's annual awards the following, Best Movie, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Special Effects, Best Set Design. A British film took out top honors at a New York film festival. Keep and eye on The Blair Witch Project, if you're Australian pray that Stygian gets a national release, but catch RAZOR BLADE SMILE because it's available everywhere..




Copyright , 1998-1999.
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(C) 1998-99 Shane Gavin HFA.