KILLER Mary-Beth

 We know that Mary-Beth is the MOTHER aliener for 2 main reasons.. others are jokey..

1. She is the new kid at the school.. As a matter of fact she started the very day after COACH was turned into a Alien drone.. She was the most alienated becasue she was from outside the school.

2. Her aversion to SKAT using a silly excuse like allergies.. Then the giveaway..The quick pan away that was used during the skat test.. It was too obvious.. The laughter she came out with was also very bad.. mediocre.. This is SKAT theme is continued when she pours an excess amount of SKAT on the principal.. trying to kill her.. We have a feeling that her character aint that dumb. so something is rotten.

3. Walking around naked.. Now if you did not realise by now.. you must have been in the toilet when she had turned into alien that loves water..


  A list of the killings..

1. The OLD TEACHER- Dies when the alien habitation does not work.. her host body was too dry.. and she basically withered away.

2. The Science Teacher- It is hard to tell if he is in fact killed.. But he has SKAT injected into his eye and he dehidrates.. But in the happy ending we see him again with just a taped up hand.. not even an eye patch from memory.. My theory the Science teacher had a twin brother.

3. Principal DRAKE- Is first Attacked by the faculty... turned into an alien drone.. While as an alien host/drone she is shot by the little pose of unhosted students.. Low and behold she rises.. and Mary-Beth pours stacks of SKAT all over her..

4. MARY-BETH/ MOTHER alien leader- Is trapped behind the Basketball (may have been the pool room not sure)retractable seats by the resourcefull Casey and then Stabbed with a couple of pens full of SKAT.. Which dehidrates her well and good..


There were scenes missing from the cinema release.. Including a character called VENUS.. which will/might end up in the video..

Okay so then the world lives happily ever after and all the alien parasites shrivel up and fall out there hosts body.. and their hosts go back to their normal life.. A couple of little changes.. Afterall Casey saved the world..


Anything to add [email protected]

Spoiler written by GORE boy


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