Brenda portrayed by Rebecca Gayheart


 The killer kills using Urban Legends as revenge for the death of a boyfriend who died at the hands of an Urban Legend prank.. /////// FLASHBACK..

Natalie Simon (Alicia Witt) was in a car with her best friend (murdered first in the film.). They are driving around with there lights off.. and intend to chaser the first person who flashes there lights to warn.. Them.. It is Brenda's Boyfriend... They chase him as a joke.. He looses control of the car and is killed.. Natalie and friend get off with probation.. \\\\\\\ PRESENT DAY

It was easy to pick.. here were the quick guidelines..

1. Brenda is the only one who is trully fascinated by Urban Legends to the point of believing them..

2. She is the dumbest character..

3. The look she gives when Natalie tells her the past..

4. It is clear that she could carry a grudge.. When Natalie falls for Paul and vice versa.. She steams up...

5. Her leaving the party is just an attempt to fool the audience that she is not the killer.. She just went and got the Eskimo gear..

6. She is the first on the scene after the murder of Sasha.

7. She notices the smell in the car first.. And this further show her guilt.. In an attempt to frame Paul..

8. Well she admits to it.. If you don't understand by this point maybe you are dead..


  A list of the killings..


1.Michelle Mancini- Killed by an the Axe maniac in the back seat.. While singing Total Eclipse of the Heart.. badly..

2.Damon Brooks- Is hung from a tree attached to the back of a car Natalie is in.. The Killer gives Natalie a stir. She drives off.. Endin Damon's life by hanging him.

3. Tosh- Internet stalker.. Arrives and kills Tosh while Natalie is in the room.. Natalie enters the unlit room not turning on the light because Tosh may be having sex.. And puts her head phones on.. Tosh's wrist are slashed.. And they try to make it look a little like suicide.

4. Dean Adams- Achilles Slasher death.. When he goes to his car the dean has his achilles slashed he tries to get away crawling on hands and knees.. The killer releases his cars handbrake and the car rolls down and over him crushing his head on some spikes.

5.William Wexler- It's to hard to figure out without watching a second time.. lots of blood most likely dead around here..

6.The Cute Dog- Is dried off in the Microwave.. While the killer imitates ROGER JACKSON on the phone..

7.Parker- knocked out while chucking up in the bathroom after seeing Dog remains... He comes to and Pop rocks and Drano are poured down his throat.. This disagrees with him and he dies..

8. Radio techo- Killed with a axe.

9. Sasha- in the same swoop is then pursued by Killer while she remains on air with some seriously powerfull radio microphone.. The killer catched up and she is hatchet.. meat..

10. Janitor- Is killed in a gangland car light flashing incident after being run off the road..


Everyone else lives.. Brenda catches Natalie and attempt the Kideny thieft UL... But no luck.. Paul comes in to save her.. The so to does the security guard Reese Wilson who is shot.. But is okay..

Brenda is thrown out of the 3rd floor window..

She survives and turns up in the back seat with Natalie and Paul.. they slam on the brakes.. Brenda flies out the window and into a near by river..

Her body is not found.. The final sequence is her sitting amongst a group of people discussing Urban Legends..

So it looks like we have another immortal killer on our hands.. Or it could have something to do with Brenda's training.. After all.. She is an athlete through what little character development we are given.. A SWIMMER.. The river may not have been a problem.. Swimmers have some muscle.. I wouldn't want to meet Sam Riley in a dark alley.. know what I mean.. As for falling out the window onto concrete.. Well it is possible survival could occur.. I'm not going to test this theory.. And just for a fact.. Those double bladed axe's are not that heavy.. I was donw at the hardware store doing some research.. And low and behold.. very easy to swing..

Spoiler written by GORE boy


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