Welcome to Ronald's Titanic Page


After watching Titanic for the first time on December 21, 1997 I knew I had to create a web site for what has become my favorite movie of all time! With a record-tying 14 Academy Award Nominations and record-tying 11 Academy Awards**, it has captured the world's attention like no film has ever done before. It is the first film ever to break the $1 billion mark making it the highest grossing film in the world. It has also taken over the #1 spot in the United States beating Star Wars! I have searched all over the web for pictures (currently I have over 200), sounds, downloadables, and other cool Titanic-related materials. Get ready to Re-live the Experience...



**Titanic tied with the film All About Eve with 14 Academy Award Nominations and Ben Hur with 11 Academy Awards.

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This site premiered on March 2, 1998.

