A Tale Of 2 Queens
nekhbet Nekhbet


Some twenty years ago egyptologists thought that Khentkaues I was the daughter of Hordjedef, reclaiming her lines' rightful inheritance to the throne (after Rekhaef's death). This, alas, was not to be - the age factor just didn't fit with that long a period in addition to becoming a mother. Khentkaues I is now commonly known as a descendant of the fourth dynasty, ancestress of the fifth dynasty and mother to two kings. The power, as they say, was hers. . .

She is the assumed daughter (she bears not the title) of Menkaure and a pressumed wife (again, titleless) of Userkaf, founder of the fifth dynasty and son of Neferhetepes (a daughter of Redjedef). She may even have been the chief wife of Shepseskaf for the brief time he reigned. But the only factual thing known about her is that both Sahure & Neferirkare were her sons and followed each other on the horus throne. I think the phrase "daughter of the god" should end any speculation on her being a kings daughter.

Khentkaues II is better documented, has the title of Kings Wife, the same title of "Mother of Two Kings" and was the first woman to be seen wearing the royal uraeus and carrying the "was" scepter which denoted royal power. Like her namesake, she too had a pyramid and additionally, a hwt ntr (gods temple). She was, for that period, only the second recorded woman known to have receieved that type of temple. Both women were probable regents for their young sons and held absolute power. Both possibly bore twins that ruled and they were held in high regard. There is also an excellent probability of they're being mother and daughter.

On both inscriptions, we come across this interesting testimony:
mwt nswt bity, nswt bity, s3t ntr ddt ht nbt nfrt irt.n.s

This could be taken to read:
"King of Upper & Lower Egypt and Mother of the King of Upper & Lower Egypt. Daughter of the God,
whose every command is done".

Egyptians had back then, what would've been hearlded as "great wit" today, but just now makes me want to slap one and say "write what you mean". This title could alternately be taken to mean:

"Mother of Two Kings of Upper & Lower Egypt,
Daughter of the god, whose every wish is done for her.

Or a third rendition to be read:

Ruler [or one who has the power of rule] of Upper & Lower Egypt,
Mother of the King of Upper & Lower Egypt, Daughter of the God,
whose every good command is done for her.
