March 17-19, 2000

Page 11

The G5 Auction

G5 14-1
Practice swords from Highlander: Endgame

G5 14-2
Challenging Stan

G5 14-6

G5 14-7

G5 14-9

G5 14-10
A sword used in Highlander: Endgame. Adrian wasn't sure why the handle was painted black.

G5 14-12

G5 14-13
F. Braun McAsh (swordmaster) consults with Adrian and Elizabeth.

G5 14-16

G5 14-17
Taking a break

G5 14-18
Pretending to nod off while Stan is auctioning something

G5 14-19

G5 14-23
Peace Newsletter Cover photo from the Highlander: Endgame set.

All photos © Linda Freeman


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