
Head of Propaganda, Head of Site Updates, Head of Lettuce

Hi. Name's Jacob Field. Call me Jay. Or Heero, if you'd rather, cause I'm not picky. Fact, I am usually one of the most mellow. easy-going, friendly people on the planet. Guess the Heero char I play in the club just brings out the edgy, violent, cold-hearted side of me . . . ;)

IRL, I am a mildly insane 19 year old college art student (Isn't that kinda redundant? Insane artist? Ah well.) at Penn State University in State College, PA. I live at home with my mother, brother, and a cat who's lazier than I am (Some feat, considering I spend all my free time at my computer.), or I live at Alpha Phi Delta fraternity house with my psychotic best friend. It just depends on the day of the week and my mother's mood.

I write and draw my own comics, though I have never ACTUALLY published one. I have developed over 100 characters and 30 different series titles (And if you ever ask me about any of them, be warned! I am long winded and I LOVE to talk about my comics!). I plan to create my own comic company and universe. I also write short stories, and I am in the process of writing a Gundam novel, Gundam Empire, which is placed some 1000 years after Gundam Wing. Think that's hard to believe? Talk to Jareth. He's writing a novel SERIES.

I became a founder of this club kinda by accident. The decision to make me a founder was the last recorded executive action of Gundam_Final_Judgement, the second founder of this club. I was logged in as GundamRX_78_2, and though I rarely used that ID, I did a lot of stuff in the first few months of this club. Posted rules, assigned a few characters, and helped to start the first saga in the club. Ironically, Gundam_Final_Judgement hasn't been seen since.*

Since then, I have been on just about every night. You will always find me talking to Becci (Anime_Chic_03), Liz (Relena), and my other friends til all hours of the morning. I post regularly and try to keep this plot as twisted and confusing as possible. Hey, it wouldn't be so much fun otherwise!

My e-mail is [email protected] (Those are zero's, people.), so you can get in touch with me by mail, or if you are on late at night, I have Yahoo Messenger, so just give me a ring. I'll be happy to chat about absolutely anything (Hey Liz! "Pika, PIKA! Pika-CHU!" LOL! Everyone else, don't ask, cause trust me, you REALLY don't want to know!) under the sun.

Glad you actually took the time to read this! I'm sure you made Relena very happy! This is Jay, saying TTFN: Ta-ta for now!, Heero out!

*NOTE FROM RELENA*: I don't have the heart to tell him his promotion was actually due to a bad day on my part when I freaked out from the criticism for being gone and made him a founder. Haven't regretted it but oh well.

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