Welcome to the official home base of the Gundam Wing Rebels.
We're currently the fifth largest Gundam Wing RP in Yahoo! Congratulations GWR!
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July 31, 2001
Just a day shy of 2 months since I (Jay, duh) have been on the site . . . what with my damaged hand (it's much better, so thanks to those who expressed sympathy) and my cousin's death (he really CAN'T get any better, but thanks to those who expressed condolences) and my moving into a new house (believe me, this is MUCH better, and thanks to those who expressed their congratulations), I've been kind of internet-less. But I am BACK (hopefully to STAY this time)!! Did some char page work, fixed the CE that was giving us some trouble, and in general, caught up a bit. Hope to see you all at night!! Jay out!
June 1, 2001
Hmmm, month and a half since we last posted an update announcement. Are we slacking off a bit, folks? YES!! Sides, I (Jay, duh) been gone for well over a month, so it stands to reason that I wouldn't have done it, and since Fortunecity is all messed up at the moment . . . ah, forget it. What's up? Bios, minor site revamps, the usual works. Check out the newbies! Ciao!
April 16, 2001
Just crawling up from a sugar and IRS induced coma to let you know that the dog has been up to his nefarious work again and has updated Current Events. He's been hitting the Peeps pretty hard too, so please forgive any errors or insanity contained within. He didn't mean to, I swear. Have a look! Love, Fisher.
March 16, 2001
Greetings humans and other sentient life forms! Jay speaking (or rather, typing), and as you can see, I did a little revamping of the site, something I am prone to do every now and then. Think of this as my belated One Year Anniversary gift to the club. As if my mere presence and glittering personality weren't gift enough, eh? Forgive me, I was up til 5 AM working all the bugs out of this little upgrade, so you can at least allow me to ramble a bit. I'm entitled. NEway, that's it for this go around (other than a few bios and other such nonsense). See ya'll!
March 8, 2001
Arf Arf! Hiko Dog here, wishing the entire cast of wackos - that's you - a happy anniversary. Just so you know, Current Events have been updated today by yours truly, so go have a look! You had better all be at the party tonite too or you can kiss your boots goodbye! Hiko Dog out!
February 7, 2001:
Hello, hello, hello! Happy Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day and any other holiday you desire to celebrate in this cold, crappy winter. It took me four weeks instead of six to update Current Events this time - almost a record for promptness these days! Go have a look. As usual I'm wearing my flame-proof suit, so comments and criticisms are welcome as always. Love, Fisher.
January 19, 2001:
Yo! Whuddup, G-Dawg!! OMG, what am I DOING?!? As you can see, for the first time in forever, Jay here is updating the index page. In case you haven't noticed, I have added some links, done some minor changes with the char page, and generally been making everything right with the world. Marsh found this LOVELY little site and shared it with me. This being an anime-based site, I simply had to put it on the site for all to see, as it is a Japanese(ish) site. You MUST check it out here (or, as they say on the site, we will kill you! You'll get the joke if you check it out!). There is also a link on the links page for it, if you must have a brief synopsis before you actually go look. Other than that and the usual mess, nothing new. Heero out!
January 9, 2001:
Happy New Year Everyone! At long last I've updated Current Events. Make sure you have a look. Don't hate me if I made a few mistakes or left your character or characters out. It's been awhile and I am still recovering from holiday psychosis. I promise to do better and be more timely with the next update. Love, Fisher.
November 30, 2000:
Ladies and gentlemen of the GWR . . . behold, the future! LOL In all seriousness, this is only the beginning. No, I am not planning on buying the domain name www.gundamwingrebels.com (that is, any of YOU are free to buy it for me, as long as you are paying for it, hint, hint!), but I do intend to make some cool changes, like some special effects in places and the introduction of Hal's new newsletter! Expect big things here, kids! We are the GWR . . . and we are the best! Heero (Jay) out!
November 29, 2000:
We celebrated our 3000th post over Thanksgiving weekend and things are better than ever, with intense storylines and fantastic character development all over the place. I'm stuck updating Current Events, semi-permanently it seems and I updated today. Have a look! Marsh
November 10, 2000:
Lots going on at the GWR. We have two new founders, Hal and Marsh (me!) and for good or for bad I've taken a stab at updating the Current Events page. Now put away your flame throwers, I've done my best. And thank you very much Jay for making me do it. We have a few new custom chars and some heavy plots going on. The fun just never ends!
September 24th, 2000:
The club had its 2000th post a while back. Liz, our beloved founder has resigned as Relena. WE MISS YOU!! Jay has held things together with the skin of his teeth. The storylines have really progressed and new twists have entered. We are growing fast and quickly gaining more customs. Things will be updated soon and a newletter will hopefully be done now that I have my own Cpu. Enjoy and have fun.