
Head Founder, Head of the Newsletter, Head of Hair

Hello hello, since I nagged Jay into it I suppose it's my turn now.

IRL I'm a 14 and a half year old girl with no life, or friends. Or much of anything.
I looooove programming HTML code so this place is my dream. I'm the founder who started the club. Then dissapeared inexplicably for awhile then showed up again and attempted to make it all right. I guess it's all turned out pretty good huh?

I'm also known as Elizabeth or Liz. That's all you're getting too. I don't give out personal information.
Aside from Gundam Wing I like to watch Sailor Moon for a lighter fare. I also used to be a self declared Star Wars Chick. Probably why I like GW so much, I call it my little sci-fi soap opera. Sort of like Star Wars and Days of Our Lives. And yes for the record, I am insane.

I enjoy playing Relena and Lady Une because they're such different chars and each presents her own unique challenge. The custom I play, Fiti Amuro, is much much more like me, the mild insanity, the bubbly personality, the absent mindedness that is also coupled with a single- mindedness that can be very odd when put together. And the fake cockiness. She's tons of fun to play, but on the show chars...
For example Lady Une has a very very complex creature. Multiple personalities is an interesthing thing to post with.
I enjoy playing Relena more because of the strained romantic tensions. I love playing off those! Also she has an innocence about her I don't get to play much on any RPG I'm in.

IRL again I'm a yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do and dabbled in starting a band once. Now I've got a gimmick and I'm ba-ack! Watch out world, here comes insanity! My motto in life is "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!" Well that's about all I can say except I'm a former writer who retired after it took her six months to write about half of a 28 page story. Granted the other guy took longer... Anyhoo, hope to see you soon! Here's a pic of me though, compliments the archives of my last band.

This is me, real looker huh? You should see me in the morning! Yeesh!

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