Simon's Homepage - Links


Magarn's Page A friends page with models for Quake 2 - His great artwork got him a job at a big computer company. Even if your not into gaming, check it out...Believe me!
Numsters' Page My friends page with cool pics of the Big Day Out '99 plus sweet snowboarding pics. There is also a great video he made himself for uni. Very professional.
The Unofficial VB Homepage A cool page about a great beer. Lots of cool stuff like drinking games and heaps of sweet links. Any fan of VB must check it out!
The Unofficial CUB page A funny and informative page about Carlton and United Breweries. Check out the reviews for each of their different beers as well as imported beers. It has been newly updated!
Supermans Tab Vault Here's a great page for all the guitarists out there. It has a hugh selection of tabs for some of the best bands around - Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, and Nirvana just to name a few!
South Park Downloads This is the ultimate page for South Park fans. It has hundreds of files to download including sounds, videos, games, programs and plenty more. Definately worth checking out!
Big Day Out 2000 This is a very good site about the upcoming Big Day Out 2000 concert. For those of you who don't know, The Big Day Out is the best concert going around so check it out before tickets run out!

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