Locomotives:  Products

Ultrascale motorbogies:

Ultrascale dipped their toes into the sea of replacement motorbogies during the late 1990s but sadly withdrew their range after poor sales made the venture unviable.  This is a shame because the bogies are superb in their construction and running standard.  For those modellers who bought them for use, the following notes are of interest; for other site visitors, they are merely academic now.

The new bogies came in three formats that covered virtually all of the Co-Co and Bo-Bo arrangements.  Available with or without wheels, they were a God-send to someone like me who needs to replace worn or inadequate drives in otherwise detailed models.

The big draw back with Lima models is the use of a non-standard 2.5mm diameter axle for all motor and trailing bogies.  The motor bogie has axles bushed into plastic (unlike Hornby who use quality bushes).  The plastic wears which makes for sloppy running, not much use in EM or P4.  Ultrascale wheel packs have to conform with the rtr model, hence the 2.5mm non-standard axle being replicated.

Should the time come to attempt replacement of the drive bogie, the non-standard axle and non-availability of 2.5mm inside diameter bushes makes the job impossible if reusing valuable ultrascale wheels.  (You can get 2mm and 1/8th dia. bushes from the trade with ease).


  • Powered by a Buhler motor fitted directly to the bogie.
  • Constructed from punched steel side frames.
  • Shafts and axles run in brass bushes.
    Gears used are made from Nylatron G.S., Delrin and brass.
  • Depending on the bogie to be fitted very little or no modifications are required to the original locomotive.
  • The 6 axle motor bogies also drive on all 3 axles, giving the bogie greater traction.
  • Minimal modification required to install.

l6abbm.jpg (42098 bytes)
Ultrascale drive bogie suitable for Lima Class 37.

Depending on the bogie to be fitted very little or no modifications are required to the original locomotive (i.e. if you fit the Lima 4 axle 'B' standard bogie no modifications are needed to the structure of the locomotive).

I found that little modification was required to the locomotive frame.  The bogies on a Lima Class 37 had to be trimmed on the inside to remove the internal bracing.

Soldering to re-connect the electrical leads is necessary.  Either refit the Lima whels or add an Ultrascale wheel pack.  Much improvement in running with this combination is possible, especially important to modellers running models at slow speeds on small layouts..

Lima 4 axle 'A' (cover: D.M.U., H.S.T., Rail car,
Parcels express, Class 73,Class 121
'Bubble car', Sprinter, Class 101 D.M.U.)
Lima 4 axle 'B' (cover: Class 33, 'Warship',
Class 86/87 Electric, Class 26, 27)
Lima 6 axle 'B' (cover: Class 31, 37, 47, 59, 60, 92)



New Transfers for Privatisation Prototypes...

Private rail operators seem to adjust their images on a near monthly basis. Fox Transfers of Leicester have reproduced EWS markings in 4mm scale for all of the major freight locomotive classes. Offered as two sheets of waterslide transfers, modellers can now model the most current freight scene in the UK.  Two sizes of numeral are found on EWS locomotives plus the standard small numerals on the front.  Two separate sheets are produced to reflect this.

Ews.jpg (39287 bytes)
Fox Transfers sheet no. F4977/2.

The new EWS house style introduces the "Three Beasties" logo and stylises a type face for application on locomotives.  Transfer sheets shown are not reproduced to scale and are for reference only.  Click on a thumbnail to view.

Ews58.jpg (26574 bytes)
Fox Transfers sheet no. F4977/1.

A smaller player in the field of transfers is Replica Railways who are often very quick off the mark with some innovative work. Many enthusiasts will notice that the traditional red overhead warning flash has given way to a European standard warning flash in yellow/white. Replica have produced this in 4mm scale with 122 flashes on one sheet. Like the Fox Transfers above, they are waterslide types, ideal for application onto existing models and new repaint projects alike.

Warning_Notices.jpg (22180 bytes)
Replica Railways 1998 style
electrification warning signs.

Innovation from Replica Railways continues by keeping modellers like me up to date with current livery elements.   Latest releases includes First Great Western (FGW) Merlin logos and Freightliner decals for the Class 86 and Class 57.

Freightliner Replica.JPG (37882 bytes)

Replica have sought the owners permission to duplicate the corporate images.

A1 Models have added to the sum knowledge on diesel detailing parts by releasing parts for the Class 57.  The conversion is simple and includes the roof panel, sand boxes and bufferbeam unit.   The parts are designed to fit a Lima Class 47 donor model.

Pheonix Precision Paints and Railmatch produce the Freightliner green & yellow paint.   Recently, the FGW colours have been added to all three ranges which makes a FGW Class 47/8 or HST project possible with the new Replica Railways FGW transfers.

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