Is it clear to every one that Isaiah does really exist and that I didn't just make him up? Good. Ya know, I forget how old he was when this pic was taken. He was a cutie though, huh? You should see him today. And you would, but he refuses to let me take his picture now. I guess he's just too high and mighty now for the little people.

Play that funky music, Badboy. Josh'll probably kill me when he finds out that I posted this pick. Oh well. Anyway, Josh is the piano boy in the family. He hasn't played in years though. There was a time when I took piano lessons many years ago. I was age 4, I believe. But anyway, my teacher was so mean to me, that it just turned me off with the piano. Years after that, Joshua found a much nicer teacher and thus began his quest to tickle the ivory. 

There are two things about me that have always been as far back as I can remember: One, I've always had God's hand in my life. And two, I've always known how to throw a party. Can you pick out the dork in the picture playing the role of big-shot  party host?

My Primary StatistiQs

Full Name: Micah Earl Jones
Alias: Stitch Jones
Date Of Birth: December 6, 1977
Baby Nickname: Pooh Bear
Location: Oregon
Marital Status: Dating
Children: None
Beliefs: Christian
Closest Family Friend: My Brother Josh
Closest Guy Friend: Chris
Closest Girl Friend: Kerry
Criminal Record: I Once Stole A Cookie
Hobbies: Web Page Design, Drawing, Writing, Video Gaming
Other Talents: Cooking, Saxophonist, Basketball
Former Careers: Shop Clerk, Sunday School Teacher
Fears/Phobias: Losing Someone I Love, Snakes
Car: Suzuki X-90 (Click Here) to see my Suzi
Favorite Book: The Bible (Genesis, Psalms, Proverbs, Revelation)
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Music: Contemporary Christian
Favorite TV Program: Buffy
Favorite Car: BMW Convertible
Favorite Vacation Spot: The Beach

Well, I gotta go for now, but keep checking back as I will continue adding pictures.
ABC ya.

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