Visions is my artistic venue to showcase my artistic prowess in poetry and in drawing.
I hope you like what you see here and please feel free to voice your opinion of my work.
Say anything bad about anything though and you'll be sorry!!! j/k =)
I will warn ya that six poems posted here are fairly old, so they are not very good at all.
Oh, the PICS and ARCHIVES buttons are inactive for now, but FORWARD and BACK should work fine.
Not to  worry, things will get better over time...

I'd like to give special thanks to my friends Melissa and Rose
for keeping my poetry alive even after a computer virus destroyed all my poems.
For without Rose and Melissa a lot of my work would have been lost forever.
I am eternally grateful and thankful to the both of you. I owe ya.

*Fire by Your Side*

"My dearest love,
my bride to be,
I give my all,
my all to thee

I'll be the fire by your side
in sickness and in health,
I'll stand beside you ardently
in poorness and in wealth

We'lI consume the tempest of the darkest day
with the light of our precious love,
and through the eye of the waking storm
we'll rise to the peace above

In the blackest nights we'll caress the stars
while falling upward towards heaven's blue,
and together the dark days will be brighter
as our love shines tried and true

We'll sing songs of love as we chase the stars
together hand in hand,
songs that ring true in the halls of our hearts
and echo across the land

And I'll do all I can to make you happy,
to make your heart rejoice,
to put the sparkle in your smile
and laughter in your voice

If ever your dreams are to wander
if ever your mind is to rome
then thoughts of me are a gentle breeze
the breeze that carries you home

For all I desire is to please you
and to love you eternally,
for my heart is made of love for you
and that love is made of me

And our love will outshine any other
and grow brighter by the day,
and God will be the fire by our side
to help light and guide our way

And to you I promise always,
that my love for you is true,
To have you and hold you in my arms
forever and ever I do

For if heaven was a place on earth
it would be found in you
for you are the heaven of my heart,
and I long to be with you

I devote all of my love and all of my life
to my angel eternally
and forever we'll rise in glorious love
in blissful ecstasy."


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