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Last Updated 11-14-98 added new Apache and Action Shots Pic page!!

Under Construction since 11/1/97



Well After waiting over 2 months for the Thunder Pro Terminator Scarab I get a phone call stating the person that lays up his hulls is calling it quits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUMMER!!!!!!!! So I picked up a 56" Aeromarine Yellow Cutdown Apache and like it very much check it out in the "My Boat Collection"

I'm also in the process of building a B.H Hanson G-23 Powered 43" Aeromarine Offshore Car which will most likely be for sale in the near future. I'll add some pics once I get the hull painted.(Yellow of Course!!)

I've been very Lazy as you can see and havent updated this web page in many many moons.... so I finally got off my ass and updated it, hopefully its a new start and I will keep it updated in the future!!

Since I've udated my page I've had a few new boats including a 41" RC Boatworks Stryker Catamaran powered by a Quickdraw Marine Engine and a 43 Aeromarine Challenger Powered by the BH Hanson Engine that was previously on my page. I had alot of fun with these boats and they even took a trip with me to Ohio where a met a few of my Internet buddy's and I ran them on the Cincinatti Model Boat Clubs pond.

The Best place I've found to obtain parts for R/C boats off the net at a great price is from Jack Rabbit Racing, which is owned by Don Ferrete who has alot of experience in the R/C Boats and is just a great guy to deal with. Thanks Don !!!!!!!!!!!!


"Video Clips"

My Old Equalizer doing its impression of an airplane (806k)

Check out Don Betz's 52" Equalizer catching some air!!!(933k)

Don Betz's boat catchen some more air!!!!!!(848k)

North American RC's Boat under Stalker Radar 51+ Mph!!!!!(1.2meg)

(More in "My Boat Collection" area)

"R/C Boat Pictures"

B.H Hanson Pro Race Engine

Deep Vee's




Action Shots

Modified Octura X482 Prop

25cc Homelite Engine

Quickdraw / G-23 together

"My Boat Collection"

Including pictures and videos

52" RadioActive Equalizer

43" Challenger

41" R/C Boatworks Stryker Cat

My Real Jet Boat

43" Popeye

56" Cutdown Apache

"R/c Boating Links"


Visitors Since 11/2/97