54B 20/30 Overview
The 54B 20/30 Reclassification course is divided in two parts: Inactive Duty Training(IDT) and Active Duty Training(ADT) phases. The IDT phase is a conducted at a local area facility and generally takes six drill periods to complete. The ADT phase is a fifteen day trip to Ft. Leonard Wood, MO and requires the successful completion of Toxic Agent training at the Chemical Defense Training Facility (CDTF), also known as "The Chamber".
The following is a list of the subjects covered during the course. Underlined courses are links to training pics associated with that subject.
Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm
Chemical Agent Detection Equipment
Use of Decon Equipment
M17 Lightweight Decontamination System (LDS)
Operational Decontamination
Operate and Maintain the Tank and Pump Unit (TPU)
Load and Unload Fog Oil and Gasoline
Smoke Operations